

So my parents, about I don't even know 3 years ago, while I was in college & my brother was off doing whatever he was doing at 18 came up with this game called 'tag you're it' sounds pretty normal but there it is not! I ensure you! There are rules, that no one seems to follow, it should be fun but people are turning this into a war! LoL Before I jump ahead of myself allow me explain the game, then I will give you the situation that happened yesterday & then of course my bantering.

The game of 'Tag! You're It' are as follows :: ( kaiti pay attention! you will be my co-organizer )
1. You must call a person, allow them to do their normal greeting 'hi, hello, what'
2. Scream as loud as you can (while being understandable) 'Tag You're It Bitch!" Proceed to hang up
3. The person that was then called must (of course they'll laugh, if not do it anyways) then call another person doing the same thing, continuing the cycle.

Now the rules are simple, and MUST be followed::
1. You can not answer your phone 'tag you're it' you must answer in your normal format
2. You can not screen your calls & then proceed to call that person right back to tag them first, in that cause the person that originally called can tag them even tho they technically were called.
3. You can not tag thru text messages.
4. You can not call the person that called you back, you need to call someone new & 'no tag backs' are automatic so they do not need to be said!

So those are the rules & the games' order! I personally think it is rather easy (and pretty common sense it you've ever played a regular game of tag before) but somehow some people just run willy nilly and do whatever they please! Ppppft. Screw that!

Now the situation that occured yesterday is that I got ridiculously bored at work yesterday (working 15 hours & slow as hell you could go insane) so I call my dear friend Kaiti & scream "tag you're it" now I was so excited to start this up again she probably couldn't even understand what I was saying so she calls me back and I answer and she is just laughing none stop 'what did you just say' and of course I give her a fast recap of the game & she passes it on & long story short it ends up being an attack on me! No one following the rules of this game & just utter caos! So this morning I am posting, texting, sending out memos to everyone involved the rules! And they will be followed! It's a hilarious game, just randomly getting a phone call, hearing someone scream 'tag you're it' then trying to find the next victim! Uh I personally love it!

But that is all I have today, after these memos & information gets to everyone ladies! These rules will & need to be followed, be good sports here! Ciao fellow bloggers hope everyone has an absolutely fabulous weekend, here's to the 50 degree weather coming our way next week!



So I have been observing a theme going on here in the blog world, weddings! Is everyone getting married or just into the whole 'let's look just in case' thing? I personally know about . . .5 or 6 women getting married! Insanity, that is a large number of women, that's not including about 3 that I know of but can't stand the females so I don't count them LoL. But it seems like the entire female race has wedding on the brain & to a serious level?! What is going on ladies? Two summers ago most of us were single, running around til all hours of the nights, just having a blast! Now we're in serious relationships, moving in together, getting married, having kids (I am guilty for some of them being the first 2) and for those of us still 'on the market' they're just hanging with guy after guy not really enjoying being single. I wonder if we jump into trends with men as we do with clothes, hair styles, etc.?! Hmm. Maybe that is so, I personally was the first in my little 'click' I had back then to jump into a relationship, then another girl did and then a third girl got 'as serious' as she'll get with a guy & then my last girlfriend's husband came home & they're in the love lala land. So is it a trend? Do we just hurd like cattle to the next 'big thing'? Seems that weddings & children always happen in bundles. I personally have two weddings I'm in in the next 3 months! Nevermind the other 2 I will be attending & then of course there are those we don't speak of LoL and I know of another getting married, don't care either way to be invited or not and then I know about 3 women who are pregnant?! What is our deal ladies? Can we literally do nothing alone? We do our makeups & 'getting ready' episodes together, pee together, dance in large groups (hello! we are family does every female not run to the dance floor) just funny observation I've made today. Everyone's scoping out the "Spring 2009 wedding" crap (I mean crap in the nicest way) but I honestly wonder about us. Can we do anything alone? I mean has anyone seen the new Bride Wars movie? That is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, adorable movie I don't know if I'd tell someone to see it in the theatre but def a rental! Best friends doing everything together. Maybe it's better to do things together but isn't that what a Maid Of Honor & hello! the groom are for?! I don't know? LoL I just had nothing really to talk about this morning, I just observed a lot of wedding, wedding gowns, theme talk this morning & last night on this blog & all other internet websites & just wondering about questions. Told you I was a girl of millions of questions! LoL I have a lot of them, my beloved* sometimes asks me if I am a 5 yr old, the whole 'but why, but why' I don't do the why's but have a million questions about a million things. LoL Boy is he in for it! Well happy Thursday fellow bloggers! One more day until the "work week" is over, mind ends Saturday at 11p



So my younger brother has this saying 'nunya' short version of 'none you business' horrible English I know, but he just turned 21, he's young & horrid in his talk. LoL love you baby bro! But I personally am falling in love with that one word 'nunya' It's so much easier to tell nosey, douch3bag people 'nunya' than go into a whole phrase, begin a conversation you never really wanted to have with them in the first place. Ugh, people just are mind-blowing. Honestly! I just wonder if people are honestly that horrid or do they sit around pondering ways to try and make others feel down on themselves?! I wonder. That question will probably never be answered & if it is it probably is just whomever asked wants to hear. I just am completely thrown off on how others just come out of left field with comments, phrases, even just looks and in that initial second if crosses you, you just turn clench a fist & am like 'i would just love to punch them square in their stupid face' LoL I try not to be angry but I am, I can't help it. Who knows if it's the Irish, Italian, the old grumpy man that had some helping in my raising but I'm angry, get over it. I feel I do a very good job releasing it in ways that I don't hurt/kill someone & don't come off (usually) as a crazii angry broad. But I have some time off here & have enjoyed it to the fullest but I start my connection back to "reality" today and am just completely thrown off with people, their stories, comments, just their (horrible to say) existence. That is horrible to say but seriously think about the people around you; at work, the stores you shop in, the places you go, the friends of friends or associates you know we all have them, somewhere. People who do or bring sh!t to the table, they sit around b!tching & moaning about how hard life is when in reality 1. it's not that hard for them or 2. has all the help in the world yet still complain and you just want to sucker them right in their b!tching & ungrateful faces. I don't mean to come off this angry, I'm not in any means if anything I am extremely happy with where I am. But I am just so tired of people, I personally feel weak people. They cry, moan, complain about how tough life is or try and bring others down to their misery level because seeing others happy (even if at one point they were friends) kills them. I honestly believe in karma, and I completely believe the longer I stand there with a smile "dealing" with it the harder their fall will be & I promise to be around to watch that sh!t show, oh I will have a front row seat. Well, I guess I am done for today . . last day off tomorrow & theirs another snow storm coming and it's going to be an adventurous ride to Boston, so enjoy the quiet night today fellow bloggers because tomorrow is going to be insane.


Long Wknd

So here's to a long weekend! Woohoo. Turns out that I have five days off beginning tonight at 11p I will not have to think about work, get up early for work, and my beloved* is off as well & it's his birthday this weekend! So Exciting! We have lots going on this weekend & then come Monday morning nothing but hanging out & just enjoying each other's company & love. AND! My friend Kaiti again somehow has the five days off too, so awesome! This is twice we've both accidently gotten a number of days off, wicked awesome! So I hopefully ( if things go as I plan them in my head LoL ) I will not be online much if at all this weekend. So I hope everyone has a wonderful & happy weekend!
Leave you with some pleasant pictures of what I will be up to this fabulous weekend!

three beedays this weekend, my beloved* Miss Rileigh Marie* & BriBri
BriBri's beeday party is a baseball party! so excited, Aidan & my beloved* will have a blast they love sports especially baseball.

going to my first Celtic's game this weekend with a buncha cool kids.

and lots of hanging around! LoL we will be spending as much time as we can in bed in our PJs just enjoying this random yet wonderful time off together!

and of course hanging around includes watching lots of movies!

So until next week fellow bloggers hope everyone has a great weekend!


One Year Ago.

One year ago today. . what were you up to?
I was in Rhode Island on the only five day vacation I took last year with my beloved* We had been dating less than a month & it was new, five days non-stop of each other & just absolutely overwhelming, exciting & just a fabulous time that would also be the week (there's a detailed story nunya!) we told each other we loved each other. (( don't judge you love who you love when you love them & you can't tell us otherwise )) And we wake up on day number two thinking we'd get up, get ready, enjoy our company & head to dinner/drinks but shocker! the news on every channel is telling us that Heath Ledger has passed away! So while my world is just forming & becoming absolutely fabulous others at the same exact time have their world crashing all around them.
So again. . . .what were you up to today last year?

Heath Ledger
April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008
forever missed by millions

LaLaLa . . LaLaLa

. . Jennie's World*
So I am not sure about everyone else but this year has been amazing, hope it is for everyone else as well! I have been nothing but positive (which was my New's Years Resolution) and things have been just amazing. I haven't been up to much yet doing some amazing things at the same time. I have three different walks in the works!, still madly-in-love with my beloved* & Aidan, have become better friends with Miss Kolleen, Rileigh is turning 1 this month, two of my oldest/dearest friends are getting married, one of which is pregnant & is making me an auntie!, lost the names/numbers/knowledge of those horrible people I surronded myself with in 2008, and have surronded myself with old, great friends & a bunch of awesome new ones. I undestand it's only 22 days into the new year but the whole 'starting off on the right foot' thing I believe is huge, if you begin something, anything! on the wrong foot or with bad thoughts I believe things will just have a snowball effect & get worse! So for my beliefs I feel this will be my year! Nothing spectacular needs to happen, just a great year is all I want, way less drama & upsetting days. So here are a few things that I have done thus far into the Positive 2009! And lots more to come, mainly within the first 6 months LoL so I'll be a busy bee next few months doing fabulous things with fabulous people & just enjoying the life I have & love. Ciao* fellow bloggers, always cheer to 2009, it's only great if you make it that way, things could always be worse than they are.

I finally got my tattoo! yay* hurt like heck tho.

Love the man I am with & he loves me too. Love you James Steven.

I got a new do!

I am catching up on my sleep & snuggle time! LoL

Hanging with the two awesome fellas in my life, my beloved* & Aidan

Just spending time with those great fellas, indoors! It's been cold here.
So again, I know it's hard (trust me I know) to find the silver lining & understand that things could always be worse. To try your best let things just roll of your shoulders, take a minute if you need it & just enjoy the life & people you have. Things will only be good if you let them be!
. . . to exciting changes & events to take place!


NEDA Walk 2009.

NEDA Walk 2009.

The fabulous Kolleen is organizing, planning & running the first annual NEDA walk, NEDA being National Eating Disorder Awareness, which I am in complete support of it & her! I am so stoked that she is starting this from the ground up all on her own, I mean I organize teams for walks & get people motivated (hello! cheerleader most of my life not that hard for me) but she is starting this from the get-go! ROCK ON LADY!! ROCK ON. But I am walking, it is not that long (for those "lazii" people out there) about a mile or two which literally flys by, it is indoors & will just be loads of fun. The walk is February 22, 2009 at 10am (time not set in stone yet) at UML. There is a $15 registration fee, can be paypal'd to Kolleen at kolleenmcgonagle@yahoo.com as well as any donations & checks can go to NEDA, all donations are tax deductible. Also! For the walkers we could use fruit, water, granola bars, etc again all tax deductible!

So! Please support, donate or join in & walk with us. This is a great cause & the very first one ever, be apart of something awesome. 2009 is a year of positivity & greatness, what is more positive or great than supporting a rockin cause & being apart of the very first walk of this great cause. Til tomorrow or further details! Ciao* fellow bloggers.



Being today is a huge day of change, changing & just overall looking ahead to bigger, better things! ( being a big Obama fan ) I wanted to take a look at what I personally have been doing to make changes in my life for the better. For those who know me I had some crappy people & things happen in 2008 but as the year came to an end I realized there was nothing I could do about other people, their actions or the events that take place only what I do in response to all of these things. So! My personal changes have been great, Ive been fousing on nothing but the positives, finding the 'silver lining' of anything/everthing I can, surronding myself with good, caring people & doing things that only make me feel good about myself. So this year I have no one around me but good people, smaller tight-knit circle, for those who I have to deal with I usually just do my best to 'kill them with kindness' method, and if that doesn't work go to someone I completely trust b!tch & moan and then move on, never mention it again. Also, taking part or volunteering to help run events; NEDA's Walk I will be joining the fabulous Kolleen, who will be running for the first time! (woot.woot), also NSTAR'S Walk for the Children's Hospital of Boston, and way in October I will be running the ROCK UR SOX team for the Breast Cancer Awareness walk for the second year in a row! Also apart of two of my oldest friends' weddings, Val & Julie one in February and the second is a destination wedding in April but then reception in June, so there's lots of parts to weddings to help plan, organize & execute! Also, have been a support system for two people as well thus far this year & plan on being there for a lot of others if they need me to be. I am working the same amount of hours but making sure I am taken cared for this year, making sure now that I have certain days of the year off ( LoL ) even months from now, ( I've been screwed on a number of occasions ) also making sure that I am living, loving & laughing! I have found a fabulous man who loves me for me; my craziiness, my OCD, my wacky outbursts, and my bitchness. His son is absolutely amazing, tells me he misses me, which for those who have children or even have children in their lives know how much that means when a four year looks at you & just tells you 'I missed you Jen' could melt the biggest heart in a second. So I just wanted to put out a positive blog today, mention how my year is going on 20 days into it, hope everyone else is having the same kind of year as well. Things happen, people change & move on, just roll with the flow. Stop being negative, getting so bitter/angry, it does no one any good especially the ones who are so angry. Wrinkles people, you're going to have serious wrinkles in your face sooner if you keep that up LoL ciao*


Old Wives Tales

So due to the fact that work is utterly boring & highly stressful today I am taking myself out of this craziiness that surronds me & focusing my blog today on Old Wives Tales! All of those silly stories, ideas our mothers, aunts, uncles, whomever used to tell us that we could sometimes catch instantly as a crazii story or we had to stratch our heads and wonder about for a bit.

At snopes.com there are a number of them & they are color coated as whether true, false, undetermined, or unclassifiable. So here are a few that I found interesting myself, all are which false! Thanks for lying to the poor guilliable kids! Of course we believed you.
  • Hair grows back thicker or darker after it has been shaved!
  • Swimming less than one hour after eating will result in cramping & potential drowning.
  • If you blow out all of the candles on your birthday cake in one breath your wish will come true.
  • If you say goodbye to a friend on a bridge, you will never see that friend again.
  • If the first butterfly you see all year is white, you will have good luck all year.
  • Step on the crack you'll break your mothers' back!
  • If your right ear rings, someone is speaking well of you, if your left ear rings, someone is speaking ill of you.
  • If an eyelash falls onto your face take it off of your face, close your eyes, make a wish & blow the eyelash. If the eyelash is gone after blowing onto your hand your wish will be granted.
  • Friday the 13th is bad luck!
  • Hold your breath while passing a cemetary.
  • A girl standing understand mistletoe must kiss anyone who has asked or also standing underneath.
  • Unless born in October, it is unlucky to wear opals.
  • Carry a rabbit's foot in your pocket it should protect you fromt bad luck.
  • Break a mirror it brings your seven years of bad luck.
  • If you bite your tongue while eating, means you've recently told a lie.
  • Knock on wood three times after mentioning good fortunes & twice for bad ones.
  • When pulling apart a wishbone (from turkey or chicken) make a wish then pull, whomever recieves the larger piece of the wishbone gets their wish granted!

Hilarious! I personally love all those silly stories our parents' & elders' used to tell us & we all of course believed every word that came out of their mouth usually in amazement that some of these things were real, making a wish by blowing out candles or an eyelash off your hand. Awe if these things were possible. But I am off to check out another website I snagged some of that information from http://www.corsinet.com/ to learn about dreams & their meanings! Happy Wednesday.


New Ideas

So this morning instead of working; I am sleeping in, drinking tea, & wondering what do I get my two oldest/dearest friends who are both getting married within 3 months! My friend Julie, who I have blogged about she's pregnant & now moved the wedding to Feb! Val's moved to April! Which does not give me a lot of time. But! I can not do just the everyday wedding gift, to me that's so lame! I need well-thought out, original Jennie gifts! I was thinking for my friend Julie, a collage of photos from years ago & ones more recent in a really nice frame & for my friend Val, I have this rockin friend Kolleen who is an awesome artist (maybe?!) if I'm lucky she can help me out with hers because I can draw but it's the skills of a fourth grader! LoL But I need some help! What or where can I get some rockin wedding gift ideas? I follow this amazing blog Jumping over the Broom which is all about a woman going from dating to engaged to planning a wedding but I need some really good ideas! Someone please send some feedback & awesome original ideas to give some dear friends who are making the plunge! LoL Just Kidding couldn't be more happy for either of them, they both found love & amazing guys who I couldn't dream up better guys for them. HAPPY MONDAY!


Common Sense

So between last night & this morning there have been many (nothing big or spectacular) events that have just eerked me so that I am like, 'where the hell are these people coming from? what are they thinking when they do these thing?' Is the human race born with common sense? If you go to dictionary.com the definition of common sense is as follows,

'common sense 
sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.'
or another definition is,
'common sense n. Sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment'

So my question to you is, if there is no 'specialized knowledge' or 'training, or the like; normal native intelligence' are we ALL born with common sense? Some people just are mind boggling to me. How do you get thru your day to day life if you can't even get thru a sentence, make smart (should be easy) decisions. I mean I understand we all have an 'off-day' but seriously?! You've been doing the same thing everyday for 5+ years and you make a stupid ass mistake two days in a row! Seriously. UGH! And then. . you say you want to 'be friends' yet pull some low bullsh!t and somehow feel we're friends? Seriously, what the hell are you smoking? Maybe if you share we'll both get it & could potentially be friends. I vowed for 2009 to be positive, upbeat & try my best to see the silver lining but the events between last night & this morning have just side swiped me. Even people in my "circle" are stunning me, why does most of society say one thing yet do another? We all are guilty of it, def including me. But seriously why is it that it's a brand new year, why can't we bring in new things? Say what you mean mean what you say, don't do hurtful things whether you think it will be or not, I imagine if you used that thing called common sense & thought about it for a second you'd realize it. I am just so tired of doing for others & having nothing done for me. I understand you're not suppose to do things to get things in return but at least some courtesy, respect or just overall acknowledgement would be nice! fawk. But that is all for today, I may be so bitter this morning due to my horrbile sleeping habits this week, have had barely any sleep any night this week. And tonight I am getting my hair done, and relaxing! Something I rarely do but 2009 is all about changing for the positive. So I hope to be ready for the exciting weekend coming up, more on that tomorrow!


NSTAR'S walk for Children's Hospital Boston

It's that time again! So excited, I now do two walks a year & my first walk is the NSTAR'S Walk for Children's Hospital Boston & it is June 14, 2009 at 11am. I am now a participant, this will make it, 5 years! I am so excited, I am looking to become a "MIRACLE MAKER" this year. Miracle Maker is a person raises $750 or more. I have yet to become one, try so hard every year and I vow that this will be my year! I am looking for participants or donators. This walk is near & dear to my heart & honestly rather than getting mushy & gushy just think (if you live in the Boston area) someone in your circle of people could one day need the assistance of the Children's Hospital & if you join me or donate & you fill be able to find peace in knowing you helped support this hospital!
My website for the walk is::
so whether you choose to donate or join you can find all the info on that page
and also some pictures from the years past. I have had lots of friends & family members join me on this walk, this one is a a heartfelt cause!

Exciting! Exciting!

I honestly can not get over all of the excitement, joy, awesome things that are/have been happening thus far into 2009. I mean I walked into 2009 thinking but nothing besides positive things, finding the 'silver lining' on things & honestly! karma is giving it all right back to me & my circle of people. So far 2009 has brought myself & my beloved* closer (had a heart to heart accidently drunk on NYE LOL), my dearest friends Val & Julie are both getting married this year, both of which I am attending but! with Julie's I am her maid-of-honor and I plan on being the best maid-of-honor I can be! Julie found out she was pregnant last week! (she calls and says guess what? you're an aunt & I'm a mommy) How rockin is that phrase? My beloved* and I have lots of plans for ourselves (none of which are getting married or pregnant no rush!) Family is doing just fabulous! Friends are better than ever! Work is steady & just have seen nothing but awesome people thus far! Things are just awesome. I seriously feel that this will be my best year ever! I am happy, healthy, with someone who completely loves & understands me, my tight knit family has extending to my mother's two sisters (BIG DEAL!) for us! LoL I am finally! getting that tattoo I talked about way back when I first started this blog. And I chose the one below!
There is a lot of meaning behind it for me & I honestly don't want to get into the details here. But I have yet to deceide who's initials or name I want, I am leaning towards 'angel' due to the reasons behind this one tattoo. AH! THEN! I have another tattoo planned it's the symbol for 'hope' which again has a lot of meaning for me, lots of people I know are sick or have something going on that we need to hope for the better days, things don't worsen, we just gotta hope! AH! 2009 is just a fabulous year! I am seriously just gleaming! I love everything at the moment; I love the people in my life, the life I am leading, the person I am becoming & the things that are happening or are in the works of happening! I honestly hope everyone else is as happy as I am or getting there! Good luck & lots of love for everyone in 2009.


Fabulous News!

So today all I can write about it the 2 minute phone call I got & I can not get over the excitement, joy & the just complete shock (yet not) of it. MY DEAREST JULiE IS PREGNANT! I could not be more excited even if it was me, seriously! She called me a few months ago letting me know she was engaged & that I got the honor of being her maid-of-honor. The man she is marrying is absolutely amazing! I have know this girl for years now & was by her side thru some really crap stuff that happened for both of us & she is like a sister! I am just completely overtaken by the phone call & news that I got so I can not write about anything else but this fabulous news! 2009 is turning out to be a wonderful year. 2 weddings, a baby on the way, a big move being planned & just overall goodness! Ah 2009 you are making me one happy lady. Hope everyone else is feeling the same blissfulness that I am!

Sorry these are such old pictures, they are from 2006 over an allnighter at the ER.



So today while at working I am just catching myself in dazes of amazement. Amazement of the different people that are coming into the hotel/restaurant & how such different people end up together, seriously amazing! Myself & my beloved* tend to be seriously different in ceratin aspects but then again completely the same in others. And I catch myself wondering off into LaLa Land & just thinking a million different things, is there a soulmate or one person out there for us? Do we ever "really know what we have before it's gone"? Is there such a thing as a soulmate? I honestly feel that there is just one person for everyone. Of course we find people that are seriously compatible with us & we could have a wonderful life with them, but I really feel that there is that one person out there that just fits to us like a piece to a puzzle that completes us. That, of course, we need work at the relationship & try to make things go well or easy but that your thoughts, ideas, just overall outlook on life matchs up. And I personally found mine! He is absolutely amazing, we just click! We both have the same values, ideas, dreams & just mesh well together. We, of course, have our arguments & disagreements but overall we just laugh & enjoy each other. And now that I have found him & know that I have found him I promise to never leave, lose or cheat him out of anything. He is a huge part of my life & everyday for 2009 I vow to make sure he knows it. Someway; either text, a call, a kiss on the forehead whatever way I feel it fit for that day/occasion I am going to make sure he knows it.
Don't get me wrong we have had our own issues; mainly outside people putting their two sense in, or inverting themselves into our little bubble & interupting our blissfulness (is that a word?) LoL but we rock! And I now know what two of my dearest friends, Val & Julie have been talking about now all this time. When you find someone that just clicks with you & you know what you have nothing else matters. The pettiness of other events, details, or just overall childish things don't matter as much & you just tend to let them fade out of your sight & life. And you just wrap yourself up in their essence, love & just the fabulousness of the whole relationship. Many events have taken place in the short, yet long year we have been together & I was highly distressed about a lot of the events that have taken place but honestly. You can not control others, or their actions & why would you want to?! Every event has led me up to where I was today, altho some had been horrible if I could have controlled any of them or altered them in the slightest way I may not be where I am today & that would be seriously upsetting.
So I guess all I am writing today is to enjoy those you love. The person in your life that is your everything, let them know it! Let them know it everyday! Never for a second let them feel any angry, sadness or just overall horrid feelings if you can help it. Enjoy life! 2009 people, things will be just fine! And here are two photos I love of my beloved* Here's to you babe, you are my soulmate!

2008 in Review.

2008 in Review.
January: fell in love with an amazing man. February: celebrated my father's 42nd birthday. March: Enjoyed my first 'vacation'. April: Traveled to Houston, TX for work & had a fantabulous time also spent the night in the Detriot Airport and had the worst night of my life and became no 3 in my class for PSCT training. May: Celebrated my 23rd birthday. June: Traveled to NYC for work (again) and becoming a member of the TASK FORCE (high honor) & assisted in opening a brand new, gorgeous Sheraton hotel. July: worked & hung out. August: another vacation in one year! serious big deal for me & moved in with my beloved*. September: threw my first kids' birthday party! Aidan loved it. Became maid of honor to my fabulous Julie. October: Realized a lot about people & spent a lot of time with my family. Novemeber: Got really sick & realized who actually cared/supported me. December: Baby brother turned 21. and celebrated our first Christmas together/one year anniversary.
To Do's for 2009.
Care more/only for those who cares/does for me. Spend less time working & more time enjoying life. Travel more, for work & play. Get more certifications! Plan/coordinate more family/friend gatherings. Be the best maid of honor there ever was! Appreciate those who I have. Stress-less! Buy a mega-millions ticket every week! Read more. Cook more homemade meals, even do our own dishes! Get my scrapbooks together! Get my two tattoos that I have wanted for a year now. Hit my goal of $2500 for the "ROCK YOUR SOX" team, do more for the Miles for Miracles Children's Hospital Boston walk. Just enjoy the life I have & be less vengeful.
Hope everyone left the past in the past of 2008; the good, the bad, & the ugly. And wishing nothing but the best for everyone in 2009. 2008 was crazii for a lot of us & things can't go anywhere but up/better! Cheers!