loud, out-spoken, purveyor of peace, laughter, cleanliness, and full bellies. short tiny adorable lady, who is a major fan of "sea food". not always the most polite or "lady" lady but i am lots of fun. just looking for a place to speak my peace and not have some argue it, we all have our own opinions don't like mine don't read them!
So there has been an insane amount of things going on around me lately & I am highly frustrated. There is a lot of events, birthdays, functions going on in May so every weekend is tightly scheduled down to the minute for us & for me I am an "on-time, prompt, all my ducks in a row type of gal" and for someone to throw me a curve ball at the pretty much last minute it really frustrates me. I mean come on, we all have lives to lead on a daily basis & we set aside certain times to see loved ones, friends & do these things that need to get done so for someone to just make a phone call "change of plans" casually & then have no thought in the world that maybe other people have things going on & a time change of hours may throw their schedule off, really ticks me off. Blah! Nevermind the fact that my birthday is coming up & for year number two now no one seems to care. I am the type of gal who will make a big deal out of someone else's birthday or special event yet nothing gets done for mine, unless I ask. Who wants to have to ask to be remembered once a year! Really. I guess I am in a rut; all else is well, work is going well, home/family is well, and of course me & my beloved* are fabulous I am in a serious rut. People are driving me insane at the moment, everyone has things to do of course! I realize that, can others realize too? Maybe the fact that I missed out on the fabulous weekend weather that just passed due to being deathly ill! could be why I am so off, who knows. All I can say is; everyone is well, things are going well, and my birthday is coming up! So maybe this rut will just be this particular event & not be one of those snow balls affects. Well Happy Thursday fellow bloggers, tomorrow is my dear Julie's "mock wedding reception" and my speech is non-exsistant at this time, my beloved* says I should just go from the heart the way he's heard me speak of Julie & Walter is fabulous and that would be more than good enough, not to mention the fact and I quote "seeing a tiny goregous girl get emotion is a killer too" so I am leaning towards winging in! Wish me luck fellow bloggers, picture to follow first event my entire family is going to in a long time! Woot.Woot god help the rest of the function.
huge curve ball.
so it is only 9.30a and i have now been up for an hour! thanks aidan, lil cutie snuggles his butt in bed you think ah! yes many another hour of sleep nope! kid has plans to snuggle get in your face & then whisper in your ear "get up, it's time to get up" ah little man how i ache to sleep more. so we are here watching noggin eating toasters strudels & chocolate milk, while my beloved* attempts to make us pancakes (hence the eating another breakfast meal while waiting) but i am writing this morning out of anxiety. my dear friend julie who has recently got married is having ANOTHER wedding reception her mother is kind of just throwing with or without permission from the bride, due to the fact her mother didn't appreciate the actual wedding was so small & her entire family wasn't there. bah! don't even get me started, you had your wedding you chose to do what you did now someone else is getting married, show up, sit down & shut up! blah. but that's a whole different blog posting. so! julie calls me goes over the number of people going, apparently my entire family; my beloved* and my younger brother's lady friend are all invited. and right before we hang up our . . like hour conversation she's like 'so my mom wants to do a toast' now if you knew her mother she is fruity, the most fruity fruit in the bunch!! seriously. she is fruity, insane, intense, & extreme so just thinking about the fact she will be getting up to speak about her daughter (who they recently haven't been seeing eye to eye) was kind of the most unreal, unsure & scariest thing to myself & julie. 'ah really, that should be cool she'll be all emotional; you being pregnant, married, the entire 200+ family members there' Lol julie goes 'oh well she wanted the best man or maid of honor to do it' i go silent! 'jen? hey jen? did you hear me . . ' 'yeah julie i heard you, who was the best man again?' LoL 'oh no i don't want him speaking he'll be a druken slob i was hoping you would do it' now! who can tell their best friend who is pregnant; emotional, crazii, and your favorite person no they won't speak at their wedding. ugh! she has known me since middle school, all thru middle school & high school i was the geek student that would do all of the work so i wouldn't have to get up & speak in front of the class & then 2 years ago i was sent thru work to houston to go to a week long class to become a "mentor or facilitator" of the hotel's policies & procedures which! shocker i have to facilitate in front of a classroom of my co-workers! fabulous so she is completely aware of my fear. haha. and to top all of this off, last night was exactly a week before this ceremony/dinner is happening! ha. i don't write. i can ramble on here for hours easily because it's a bunch of non-sense & if you chose to read it then you do you don't have to sit & listen to me speak to you. oh jeesh someone help me. so that is my small curve ball that has been thrown at me this weekend!
but! i did receive two early beeday presents last night; my beloved* got me offspring tickets for july. i have loved offspring since high school, i have all of their albums & absolutely love them & have been raving about them since him & i met. so when he found out they were coming to town he knew how much i would love to go see them! also. i got 2 red sox tickets for may 8, the day before my beeday, against the tampa bay rays* eeeh. good game! ah. fabulous weekend people, fabulous weekend! enjoy the nice weather & each other. ciao*
fabulous weekend*
well my week is over! phew! and thank god. being back to reality (back from vacation) in such a hectic week can really do a girl in. but the weekend is here, it is going to be absolutely fabulous here in boston this weekend* uh. i can not wait for 2p to come sooner. this week has been horendous! i got some funny art clips to visualize the week i've had here at work & the weekend i plan on having with my favorite guys, my beloved* and aidan.
of course being the wrap up (first half of the week) of the boston marathon & school vacation week as well it was just pure madness here all week long.
and of course females having their normal cat fights; i personally call them battle of the departments because we all get so territorial over our staff & places that it ends up being cat fights between the females in departments, because men honestly just don't care!
i plan on having lots of love, fun & maybe even a beach in my weekend.
so excited to being doing my first seasonal visit to boston, haha i always look like this lady anywhere i go with a big map trying to find my way around.
stuck up people here at our hotel. LoL of course every place has them where they are always right, they need to stick their noses in things that have NO concern for them & just drive all the rest of us absolutely insane.

Collection of week.
so I haven't really blogged at all this week, ugh! being back from vacation after the Boston Marathon at a hotel is insane! Lots of clean up to do, prep for the rest of the guests coming in, just chaos! I love it* But I have forgotten a lot of things that has happened the last week & a half. So I am posting a bunch of fun pictures, little descriptions of what is going on with each & then that is it for the day I am feeling like a Day of Smiles in overdue so I may do one of those soon. With the nice weather coming this weekend we may not need them as much as we have in the past but extra few smiles can not hurt anyone! Ciao*
my beloved's* older sister jyll's beeday was yesterday as well HAPPY BEEDAY*
this was my first sign when i arrived into vegas*
my beloved* is a joker. i bought that helmet for aidan for christmas; it sounds like the storm troppers voice, has all kinds of noices & sounds it rocks all the kids (adults)love it*
aidan got his haircut LoL long, drown-out, hilarious process to watch
aidan loves to shave* my beloved* used to do it often but he grew a beard so he doesn't and aidan loves to shave with his transformers shaving kit his auntie ryan got him.

but that is it for the day; been very busy & very home-bound & relaxing since I got home from vegas. this weekend is supposed to be gorgeous here in Boston the 70s & 80s uh I can not wait. leave nice weather to come home to nice weather; wedding reception coming up, beeday's & celebrations coming up & just lots of good things to come from us! hope it's the same for you.
i missed Earth Day 2009 yesterday
honestly (sounds horriblei know but i'm a realist) i don't really care for it, no one helps or does anything on a normal basis & the thought of setting aside one day to pay attention to the Earth but one day won't make a big of difference.

but that is it for the day; been very busy & very home-bound & relaxing since I got home from vegas. this weekend is supposed to be gorgeous here in Boston the 70s & 80s uh I can not wait. leave nice weather to come home to nice weather; wedding reception coming up, beeday's & celebrations coming up & just lots of good things to come from us! hope it's the same for you.
home sweet home*
so I am home from my trip to vegas* and man was it a trip, 5 hour flight there got in at 8.30p which was prime time to see lots of lights, sounds & even LoL smells. HaHa the next day was the wedding, which was so emotional & gorgeous it killed me everything was so beautiful & just perfect for my dearest/oldest friend. ah! and it was warm; we enjoyed the weather, walking, seeing & just having a blast. the flight home was a nightmare. the flight from vegas went to dallas & it was delayed for literally 4 hours! then american airlines insures that everyone will make their connections no need to worry ha! i miss mine!! so instead of heading from dallas to boston in the wee-hours of the morning i slept in the dallas airport with a lot of other poor slobs. finally! at 8am i finally get on my last 3 hour flight home & arrive home at 12.30p instead of 1a boo! but overall the trip was fantastic! i loved it, everything about it! i, of course, missed my guys & couldn't wait to get home to them but isn't that how traveling is without your loved ones. but being day 2 into reality (work is really busy marathon weekend is longer due to patriots days) and i am beat, so here are some fun photos there are a bunch more on facebook/myspace. enjoy!
the happy couple.
mr & mr caulfield.
excitment, excitment, excitment
Ah! I apologize but I just can not get over my excitment for my trip to Vegas that begins today! Ah. I am so excited I can barely stand it; I am still here at work and I can not think about anything other than that, all my work is set & ready to go so I am jsut waiting for 2p to come. I do have a good number of things to do between 2p & 4.30p (time I need to be at the airport for my flight) I still need to pack! eek, I usually wait til the last minute but I usually have most in the suitcase & awaiting the last minute items for the morning but this time I am so behind, I need to get my nails done!, and maybe get a shower in? Who knows. But I can not wait for the warmth, the sun, the shorts & flip flops! Ah! Can't stand it! Ah. I printed out a few pictures of what I will be doing this week/weekend hope your week/weekend if fabulous too, of course actual pictures to come later.
so! going to the m&m factory. i love m&ms & so does my beloved* & aidan.
the strip itself. eeh!
( has rollercoasters ontop of it! )

val's getting married, of course! the reason for the trip.
ah! the excitment of this trip is killing me. i have been excited for other vacations but this one is killing me. i am going with an old friend & her family (pretty much a second family), she's getting married, we are site-seeing & daniejla (a friend who moved to Vegas) is coming to hang! ah. life is grand. hope everyone else's week/weekends will be as rad, hey! it's going to be in the 70s here this weekend & it's marathon weekend, lots of visitors & things in the city.

val's getting married, of course! the reason for the trip.

Ciao fellow bloggers, until week.
Vegas bound.

I am heading to Vegas bloggers! OmG I never go on vacations, or travel (other than work), or just go & enjoy myself anymore. I can not wait!! One flaw in this amazing vacation is that my beloved* will not be joining me. But they say the heart grows fonder with distance & time, right? LoL I don't care either way he knows I will miss him dearly but could not be more excited to leave this cold place get to sunny, warm Vegas wear some flip flops & tank tops & just have a ball. Sleep late, stay out until who knows when, I haven't done that in such a long time! Plus, one of my oldest friends Val is making the plunge! She's getting married, in Vegas! Ah! LoL and my friend Danijela moved to Vegas last winter so I am going to catch up with her, of course hit the M&M museum how could I not?! LoL uh this is going to be an amazing week/weekend all I have to do is get through my work day tomorrow & I am done until next Monday afternoon! Big smiles. Happy Marathon weekend to the city of Boston I am Vegas bound.
Happy Easter
we finally saw watchmen today! horray, and i actually enjoyed it, thoroughly i might say.

So for all of us Catholics out there today is Easter Sunday, which in my eyes has lost a lot (if not all) of it's meaning along the years. But nevertheless it is a time for families to get together, in their Sunday best (ha! little gag there), and enjoy each others company along with yummy food. Being that my beloved* and I usually hang out, eat food & vanish! But being a little bit of a different situation this time around we hung out a wee bit longer than usually, all in all was a good day & we snuck in Watchmen! I actually thoroughly enjoyed the movie, Matt you have no standing being a movie critic my friend! Sorry. But had a long, long day today we were actually about at about 9am without the lil man so I am beat, but I did check out todays' Post Secrets and came across a few I actually liked, haven't been very pleased with Post Secrets last few Sundays, so here you go fellow bloggers enjoy what's left of the weekend.
my moto right here, life can always be worse. relax!
Does anyone read the news? OmG! I am reading my favorite news stations website whdh.com channel 7! And I came across an article about children, weight & school! Very touchy subject in the office; kids, parents & who's in control. So I found this article
"Schools to screen students' body mass
BOSTON -- Massachusetts health officials have approved regulations that would require sending children's Body Mass Index measurements home to parents.
The Public Health Council voted unanimously Wednesday to calculate student heights and weights, which are already measured annually, into a Body Mass Index measuring their overall proportions.
The results will be sent home to parents for students in first, fourth, seventh and 10th grades in a package explaining what they mean and how parents can best combat obesity.
Department of Public Health Medical Director Lauren Smith says Massachusetts will join Arkansas in notifying parents about a child's Body Mass Index. Eighteen other states require a BMI calculation.
The new regulations will be phased into schools over the next 18 months.
(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)"
Okay, I am all for monitoring children's weight & BMi but to seriously have this stuff done at school, send home a 'progress report' on you own kids' weight & BMi? Like the parent doesn't see if their child is at one of the extremes, whether overweight or underweight!? Jeesh. This is something the parents need to monitor on their own! You as the parent, to a certain age, control what your child eats! Yes I understand some kids are extremely picky & will only eat certain items but seriously if you are feeding your kids McDonalds, Wendys, or anything bad three times a day for every meal you have to expect something bad to happen! Duh! People drive me insane. Blah! I just wanted to share this information with everyone! Thank you for listening
"Schools to screen students' body mass
BOSTON -- Massachusetts health officials have approved regulations that would require sending children's Body Mass Index measurements home to parents.
The Public Health Council voted unanimously Wednesday to calculate student heights and weights, which are already measured annually, into a Body Mass Index measuring their overall proportions.
The results will be sent home to parents for students in first, fourth, seventh and 10th grades in a package explaining what they mean and how parents can best combat obesity.
Department of Public Health Medical Director Lauren Smith says Massachusetts will join Arkansas in notifying parents about a child's Body Mass Index. Eighteen other states require a BMI calculation.
The new regulations will be phased into schools over the next 18 months.
(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)"
Okay, I am all for monitoring children's weight & BMi but to seriously have this stuff done at school, send home a 'progress report' on you own kids' weight & BMi? Like the parent doesn't see if their child is at one of the extremes, whether overweight or underweight!? Jeesh. This is something the parents need to monitor on their own! You as the parent, to a certain age, control what your child eats! Yes I understand some kids are extremely picky & will only eat certain items but seriously if you are feeding your kids McDonalds, Wendys, or anything bad three times a day for every meal you have to expect something bad to happen! Duh! People drive me insane. Blah! I just wanted to share this information with everyone! Thank you for listening
Time is on My Side.
So I am still rather upset with my parents! They just gave my little tiny baby pooch the boot over the weekend, but what really blows my mind is that my tiny little dog couldn't stay but my brother's beast of a dog can?! How does that work. They complain time, money blah blah same old speech but a bigger dog takes more time walking him, more money on grooming & food?! Rather than a little puppy boy, which I did pay for! My brother, being the momma's boy he is does not. So where is the justice?! My poor baby is sitting in a cage awaiting a new home & his momma (me) to go & get him from that hell rather than being at home with me & his loved ones. Ugh the anger I have right now. For those of you who are animal lovers understand, a pet isn't just a pet it becomes a family member! How can you just toss a family member out? Ugh. Well I can not speak about it anymore it upsets me so bad to think of my baby in those conditions! But I just wanted to post some pictures of my baby.
Rileigh Marie* loved him.
my baby.
I can remember when I first got you babes, exactly two weeks before Christmas day 2005. I had graduated college that year & my dog Jasper had passed while I was in school & was so devastated that my parents drove all the way to Maine, to a breeder to get my baby. My mom & dad came in on a Sunday shift (worked at Papa Gino's at the time) and stunned, they never came to visit especially not on a Sunday and this little tiny head popped out of my moms jacket! It was my baby Wally & yes I even did cry! It was love at first sight. Sigh.

I can remember when I first got you babes, exactly two weeks before Christmas day 2005. I had graduated college that year & my dog Jasper had passed while I was in school & was so devastated that my parents drove all the way to Maine, to a breeder to get my baby. My mom & dad came in on a Sunday shift (worked at Papa Gino's at the time) and stunned, they never came to visit especially not on a Sunday and this little tiny head popped out of my moms jacket! It was my baby Wally & yes I even did cry! It was love at first sight. Sigh.
But in other news, my beloved* is doing okay at the moment, but tomorrow will be the make/break day for him. I have a feeling he will be A-okay but of course when a loved one hurts, you hurt just as much & know that they try to hide it & "be strong" ugh, I hate that phrase. "be strong" what the heck is that? Why can't you just lose your sh!t for a bit? Not to judge or point fingers towards people but people will mental disabilities can be completely accepted for having high & low days & I completely understand that & will support people in those conditions in both states. But what about the people that deal with the day to day bullsh!t, help others with these mental disabilities, and keep their cool most of the time, why are we not allowed to lose our sh!t & not be judged or scorned or looked at funny? Blah! I have no idea where I am going with that whole thing but I am frustrated. It's still cold outside when it should be "spring", everyone has serious cabin fever, work isn't well, and things are just in a rut & I want out! But in good news; this weekend is mine & my beloved*s weekend on luvah's lane, seeing Watchman in Imax!!, being Easter we are visiting family & eating their yummy food & of course enjoying each other something we haven't been able to do in a while. We are both on the go & have so much going on that even when we are together there's so much going on that our time is a blur & it's time to kiss & say goodbye! Awe so the silver lining is coming! And of course Vegas next week, a vacation I am way over due for!! So hopefully things will be getting better after tomorrow, things haven't been very good so there's only one place to go but up!
Silver Lining anyone?
So just as I am personally starting to feel better, my parents throw me a screwball! I go by their house today, because being the spoiled Princess I am they still by me yummy food so I swing by their house before to grab some & "wally! come here wally!" my little lapdog won't come!? My brother comes walking in "before you flip out, here us out" yeah! We all know what happened, MY DOG WENT TO THE FARM! Wtf. The deal was you hold the dog until my beloved* & I move into a place where we can have dogs & I'll take him, they can't wait like 5 more months? Arg. Not only was he my Christmas present & loving pet for years now, they just tossed him aside like a mut?! Wtf. But my brother's big beast of dog can stay? Boo! Ontop of this my dear beloved* got some unsettling news today. Where is the silver lining? Boo! It's something that happens, and he will get past it because he is strong & knows we all love him so but just the fact that there hasn't been a break for us in weeks now! Blah. Again hopefully this weekend that is all ours will do us justice. Hope everyone else is doing fabulous, I have another doctors appointment tomorrow, wish me luck!
Down in the Dumps

I am done for the morning, last week was an end of a rough few weeks. Lots of changes coming up, mean people not realizing what they are doing, and of course me being the "bigger person" and just taking it all in stride. It gets to a person after an amount of time, and that was last week. I am hoping this week is better, Opening Day for the Red Sox is this week, been postponed from today due to rain, I have Tuesday off which means I will be able to watch the entire game! my boss changed a few of my shifts so I get out a 8p, and an exciting weekend coming up! Ah, to the future! Ciao fellow bloggers.
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