
happy halloween

happy halloween everyone!

hope everyone has a safe & fun-filled halloween today. we will be carving pumpkins, baking cookies/brownies, & of course trick-o-treating. yay*


week 37.

delayed pictures here. a few from Aidan's birthday party (poor guy felt awful that day so there are not many) & some from the Halloween Parade we went to yesterday.

well today marks the three week countdown. we have only 21 days until our lil miss olivia rose* graces us with her presence. the three of us could not be more excited for her arrival. hopefully she is not late because i for one am ready for this giant belly to be done with & we are just about done with the what is she gonna look like, will she have my attitude or yours, hopefully she makes silly faces like i do. we wanna actually see this stuff going on! arh! but this past weekend we went to a Halloween Parade and watching Aidan be as excited as he was with when the Star Wars guys walked by made my entire week! not only did he do his loud screeching like a girl scream but he was jumping, hitting my brother (who he adores when he is around) & just thrilled. then! my dad being the guy he is grabbed Aidan's hand & ran over to get a picture that made his entire week it seemed. uh! LOL it was a great day all over yesterday; good weather, good friends, lots of excitement. now this week is exciting for Aidan as well; he has Halloween which he loves, we are going to do pumpkins this week & he has the wedding of his mom & Jeff which he has been raving about for weeks now. so this lil man will be on a serious energy rush this week so it may kick my butt, i hopefully be back soon & will def be back for more info on what's up with our lil peanut.


countdown begins.

so today will mark the 9th month of my pregnancy & also begins the count down begins until Olivia Rose*s arrival, 30 days and counting. i am officially out of work beginning today due to a number of circumstances. people keep telling me that the last 4 weeks are the longest (feeling) and now that i am out of work, oh man! i am already crazii anxious for her arrival & now that my daily hussle&bussle is at a stand still what am i to do? well today we had snugglebutt so i brought him to school & actually gotta get my butt moving to go pick him up & will be hanging with the fellas all day. i am at a point in the pregnancy where things are just uncomfortable. sitting, standing, walking (sometimes) things are getting tight on us LoL. but our lil lady will be here soon & we can not wait for her arrival.

that would be it for today, expect more posts coming in the near future, again my normal hussle&bussle being demolished i will have more time on my hands to "relax" and "hang out" as my beloved* calls it. so expect more blogs about nothingness & question/answer. happy monday fellow bloggers*


happy october blogging world.
i have yet to say that and it's now the 15th day of the month, shame on me. but in my defense i am pregnant, working full time, cleaning up a move & preparing a room for my lil lady. things have been hectic non the less. our shower was amazing! we had over 100 people there, way more gifts people who couldn't make it sent gifts with others that did make it & we have texts, emails & calls of attempts to set up meetings to receive more gifts! this lil lady is not only 1. spoiled already but 2. has everything off of her registry which is fabulous for me & my beloved* for we don't need to purchase anything (well for now; diapers, wipes, etc will need to be bought quiet often) but we feel so blessed & amazed at the fact at the number of people who came, sent things or have just supported us! thank you*

the snazzy new place is just that, new & snazzy. LoL we have about 3 boxes total! left to unpack which i feel is an amazing accomplishment seeing as how we are both working 40+ hours, i'm pregnant, we try & socialize when we can & have snugglebutt usually on the weekends. so our time to unpack, organize or even just sit & relax together has been seriously limited. LoL it's not fun now but once i am off of work & our lil lady is here things will be fabulous regardless of what this place looks like. our lil lady's room is 99.9% ready to go & i have to pack my "overnight bag" so things are looking just perfect.

snugglebutt is doing great! his grampi was sick for a bit but he is doing much better & that makes him much happier. he is back in school & loving it, he's in the "big kids class" the afternoon session of pre-k & loves it. he comes over with stories upon stories of his & his friend tylers' adventures, LoL some of them are really entertaining. his story telling skills are really advancing, which could be a bad thing in disguise. LoL but we have just a lil over 2 weeks until halloween which snugglebutt loves, stems from the love his mother carries for the holiday. and she is marrying her fiance on that date so snugglebutt has a very big halloween this year which he is very excited for. he will spend the early portion of the day with them, watching his mom & his jeff (which he adores) get married then he'll come hang with us & go trick or treating. he seemed a lil bummed with me when i didn't dress as humpty dumpty for his halloween beeday party so i am feeling like i should make it up to him then. and then halloween passes & we rest & wait, olivia rose* should be here by the 16th of november they say but we'll see.

hopefully the work load will be done soon, it is too much for me lately. being under staffed, over worked & pregnant is really starting to get to me so it should be over soon & then i can relax watch olivia do her bogeying & wait for her arrival. until next time fellow bloggers enjoy this crisp cold weather here in the boston area. somehow we managed to go from spring to a wet-cold summer, to a week of fall & then finally bam! winter's here. fabulous! welcome to new england right. night*


week 34.

so i have not updated the blogging world on our lives in a good amount of time, things are insane & once i get myself to sit down & tell you what's going on you'll understand. unfortunately tonight is not that time but rather a questionnaire. ladies! i am getting closer & closer to baby peanut olivia rose*'s arrival & i am getting seriously nervous. these braxton hicks can not be anywhere near what the real contractions are like so i am asking everyone i know the same questions. did you have a natural birth? did you have an epidural? if you had scheduled a c-section or being induced how did that go? i just have so many questions. what did you feel when your labor began? what should i look for? ugh, the questions upon questions i have. and when you ask your doctor, friends, whomever they all tell you their stories but end with "every woman is different" yes, this i know but i figured if i ask a number of women & get a number of different responses i can get a sense of it all. thanks ladies if you feel to share.