
he said she said crowd

okay. so it's been almost a month since my last blog. i know! i am seriously slacking. with olivia now 8 months old & mobile, only in her walker or walks with support from someone, it makes things a little difficult. i also just began working part-time yesterday, super exciting. life is crazii. baby, five year old, my beloved*, house work, real work, and trying to attempt at having a social life and of course sleeping! i love sleep it gets tough to sit here & blog.
all is well with us. olivia just had her six month checkup with her cardiologist & she got a clean bill of health. the appt was a difficult one tho. she was sedated for an ultrasound of her heart; so she wasn't able to eat or drink for a few hours before, we had to keep her awake on the 40 minute car ride down, and then right after giving her the meds to help her sleep she was miserable! watching your child cry, scream, fuss for food & to stay awake is torture. but it was worth it. her cardiologist, dr diego, thought she looked amazing & her ultrasound cleared us of any worries we thought we might have had. so that was super. her older brother snugglebutt finally held her, he loves playing with her & has all these plans to teach her different stuff. so we are super excited about all of his involvement he has had with her lately. olivia still wants absolutely nothing to do with baby food. now when i say baby food i mean the jars of mush we're suppose to give our lil ones. the gerber puffs, real fruit in a mesh bag, any lil snacks we give her she loves but crack open that jar & attempt to put it near her & we end up wearing it. i have no idea what to do, if anyone has any tips (please don't say "she'll eat when she's ready" that's all i've been getting) please send them this way.

but i wanted to blog tonight because i am now 25, have a child, in a serious relationship & have seriously grown up even before olivia was born i was a little bit more mature in certain aspects than others my age & some older than me. why is it that all of these websites; facebook, myspace, twitter, blogging gives people the balls to start smack talking others. of course we all do it to an extent, it's only human. but for someone to make serious accusations about another's life is appalling to me. yes, we let tons of people into our lives thru these websites but some of us don't put our entire lives out there for others to see so what people are going off may not be the whole story. also. just because you hear a portion of a story from someone else, the whole "he said she said" business doesn't mean you have any idea what is really going on. just frustrating. i am actually proud of myself that i haven't gotten all flustered about these silly little episodes, i've remained pretty calm about it actually. but it's just like; we are adults, some of us have kids, husbands, wives, when is it time for others to grow up too. no you have no "real responsibilities" so you can live your life as you please, but when do you realize i'm twenty something years old & you need to get over the gossip. blah. that is all for tonight, i feel a little better after venting. gotta go bath, feed & snuggle my little lovely up. ciao!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Yep, Jennie, seriously slacking. Good to see you back to posting!

BTW, I want to let you and other followers know that my Blest Atheist blogspot went down. I replaced it with 100th Lamb (www.emahlou.blogspot.com). I explain why there.