
prince charming

so i was just pondering to myself, why do the girls nowadays myself included feel we should just be swept off our feet by our prince charming? seriously. we all read the same books growing up & of course the only part we focus on is when the prince finally comes & saves the princess & they live happily ever after. so we all want that. we want this amazingly perfect man in every way to just walk into our lives & sweep us off our feet. but why? hello. those girls went thru hell before their prince finally arrived. i mean one of them were drugged, another dealt with an awful step-mother & step-sisters after losing her father & never having her own mother, and one was locked in a castle. did we forget those portions of the story? now that i have my own little girl i wonder & dissect the strangest things. like, why do we as women expect some guy to come & save us? why can't we save ourselves? being 25 yrs old now i realize there is no perfect man. there are some pretty amazingly awesome guys that fit perfect with who we are but a perfect guy? ha. that's like a guy expecting to find the perfect woman, i don't know about you but i am no stepford wife. i am a strong tough chick & i can handle a good amount of crap you throw at me, but to do it alone would be a lot harder, so why is it that some of us expect a man to be their answer. why is it that as little girls the end of each story have such a strong impact on us, that we remember the happy ending more than what happened during the story? hhm. i wonder. is it that it only begins with the stories? that throughout our lives we are told 'there is a soul-mate for everyone. there is a perfect guy out there for you, don't settle. maybe it's not him, he's out there.' what is it that we are aiming for? are we seriously waiting for a tall, dark, handsome prince to stroll up on a beautiful white horse whisk us on the back of the horse & ride off into the sunset happy as clams? or should our elders teach us, no one is perfect & when you meet that guy that fits with you & your life you'll know it. things will get tough, you'll fight & argue, you'll struggle as a couple & a person, but if he is the one that at the end of the day you can not live without, really live without can not see your life any better without him then fight for him. where are those stories? can someone please write a more realistic story about love & life. i mean no one comes without baggage anymore, we all have it. whether it's ex's, babies, debt, crazy families, emotional issues, whatever it may be make it realistic. put real struggles in there & if it need be then sorry princess you won't end up with the man you first thought you would.
i wanted a girl so bad during my entire pregnancy and now that i have her i am terrified. we all go through heart-break, it's inevitable. but being a girl the heart-break i feel is tougher. we read these stories, watch these movies/shows that makes us feel that our prince charming can be behind any door & he will rescue us from our daily lives. so unrealistic. i just want her to know that she is loved, that one day a boy will break your heart & you will get over it, then a great man will come along & he will save you. but not from your life you have but he will take the life you love & make it that much better. oh the anxiety of what is to come with my lil lady. thank goodness she has such a great dad in her life to let her know what to expect, to know that this is what a good man looks, sounds & acts like to know that she should never settle for less. maybe that is what helps us as little girls to be more realistic about this whole dilemma. who knows. but seriously, someone please write a more realistic book for girls to read about love & life. that would be much appreciated & i would be the first one to buy it, promise.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Wishing you a happy Fourth, "classy broad"!