
please, move on.

hello blogging world! happy wednesday, today will be my Sunday & i am back to work tomorrow, boo. so sad this mini vacation has been fabulous but i must say i am getting bored with being home & am looking forward to work, LoL that'll end about . .. oh i'd say an hour into thursday's shift. but today i wanted to just discuss something that has been bothering me for a few days now, why can't people move on & leave the past behind them? i mean i understand we've all had high points in our life we'd like to relive & do again just because it was that awesome. trust me! i've got summer 2007 where i had no cares in the world, went out every night & had a blast with my friends, or spring/fall 2005 when i was at jwu & had a blast with my sisters & college friends with again no cares in the world, or even the year 1998 when i really was care-free no job, hanging out everyday par-taking in activities i no longer do but unfortunately those times have come & gone. i am now 24 years old with a full-time job, working for the weekend & to pay rent, bills, student loans, & food and am pregnant. you can't go back people so please stop trying to. we all have periods of time where we would like to re-do it again for just one more day or week or hour even! why. things have changed for a reason, whether we're not in the "perfect" spot yet that we'd like to be in or in transition from one to life to the next we need to let go. things happened, people changed, things were said & they can never be taken back or altered, they're set in time. 
once again, i am not sure what my point is to this blog or if i even have one. but i needed to get things off my chest, i am surrounded by people who will not let their pasts go and if it didn't personally affect me i don't think i'd have much to say, keyword much! but since i am around these people in some sort of way & their actions affect me i am a lot more vocal about these topics. please! grow up, you are no longer 14 years old & can run around a mess as you seem to want to. would you please let your past go? certain events took place, most of which you had complete control of & happened in reaction to things you did so please you have a new, really good-looking life being put together in front of you, turn around & fully submerge yourself in that new life you have working for. and finally. stop being a complete rude, see you next tuesday-y, vindictive, horrid, ugly douchebag that looks good on no one especially on someone that was once your "good friend" &  you all of a sudden decided to turn completely against because . . . the only reason i can see if my life went in a direction that you wanted yours to? i'm sorry, i personally wasn't ready for where this road has taken me but i love it, am embracing it & letting go of the past & living this life i have, so please do so as well. trying to make others miserable because it seems apparent you are does nothing better than make you look like that ugly person i described earlier. 
man! does that feel better. people are just appalling & sad sometimes. wish that everyone was given the same characteristics sometimes to just move on & let things go. but i guess if that was so then we wouldn't be individuals. happy wednesday fellow bloggers, i am off to enjoy my last day off in the sun (hopefully) with my guy*

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