
we finally agreed on something.

i am always apologizing for being so distant with you blog-world, yet here i am again doing it sorry! being pregnant, working 40 hours, managing a social life, sleeping/relaxing, looking for a bigger place and beginning he 'nesting' process is time-consuming. LoL so some things have to slack and this is one of them. but! update time. last week we had a peanut appointment beginning the logging of the belly measurements, we're at 21 inches so far (this is length-wise) so far everything has been text-book fabulous with peanut & myself* we have another ultrasound at the end of the moment, 3-d pictures this time! and blood-work/checkup at the beginning of next month. her movements have been more frequent lately too! she doesn't really have a pattern per-say  but it's usually certain times of day or after a heavy meal & it is so much fun! i believe she is starting to get stronger so other people will be able to feel her on the outside of my belly soon. yay* so exciting

my beloveds* hand injury is slowly coming along. he also had an appointment this week & saw another specialist, took some x-rays & got another note to prolong his return to work. i personally love it, not because he is home more (altho i do) but because this injury was huge, it was on his dominant hand & his three most used fingers this needs to be 100% before he returns & with his hesitation/nervousness to go back to his daily work activities, that only makes me more nervous as well. so another two weeks he is off, he is  going insane but will be worth it in the long run & i also am off starting saturday for a mini-5 day vacation! so we will begin our registration process (yes that has yet to being), continue our look into bigger places, hit the library, take aidan* to either an outdoor or indoor fun activity (depending on the weather, they say ran is coming again!) hitting up some fun activities for ourselves & family visits. woah! this is why i am exhausted & slacking with the blogging, i get time off/to myself and i over-book myself with other activities. OH! and the annual McG clan kenny chesney/lobsterfest (we've now merged it to one) is coming up soon too! love both events last year & super excited about the double-event this year! 

also. i am being thrown back to the girl who was questioning "friends" and people from a few months ago. events that have been taking place in the past week(s) have been really eerking me & my mind. i completely understand people change, life changes, things just change but why is it that because change happens some of us need to change negatively/ugly with it? being pregnant is one of the two happiest times in a persons' life yet even in this happy, weird, difficult, stressful, exciting time some people who surround us need to be negative, ugly, spiteful, & just down right rude. why? i'm sorry things changed! i'm sorry things didn't go the way you hoped they would! but i am not sorry for where i am, who i am/with & where life has brought me to be & is taking me. we all have events that happen that don't go the way we wanted them to, some of us it happens more than others but does that really mean you need to go out of your way to be rude or ignorant? really. especially towards someone you once be-friended or considered family. blah! 

things have been all over the place lately. being as emotional as i am lately; usually very mellow for the record (words from my beloved*) people, events, comments are really getting to me. and after tomorrow there will be a lot more events to blog about, so i should be back in just a few days. ah. summer has finally arrived & just in time for my mini-vacation. yay me* 
also! we finally have agreed on something, our theme! precious moments natures babies, i personally see it as disney babies to disney. i absolutely love it* here's a glimpse of it.

aaah! adorable. ciao fellow bloggers.

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