
always something, right.

so today i must admit i am feeling a wee-bit down in the dumps. there is a lot going on that i may blame lack of sleep due to the crazy insomnia i am currently having, along with my beloved* going back to work after his accident, the whole jitters about the babies arrival & i am trying to get my car insurance situation in line with a this new suv i have. blah! the whole car insurance, getting a car on the road (well really just transfering all the information from one car to another) is the one thing that is really stressing me out! it seems that i either am a horrible driver when it comes to listening to the "rules of parking" or am being completely ambushed by the registery system & double charged for certain tickets. in 2007 i hit my 6 year mark of being a driver, i am now "experienced" in their eyes & had to renew everything, HaHa to find out i had about $500 owed to the citys of somerville, malden, everett, & whoever else but i paid it off in order to renew my stuff but today as i got to just easily move information from my old betsy (i <3>did change my address but they no longer give you a sticker to place on the back of your id anymore they mail it to you! wtf is that. just give me the sticker i'm standing right here and of course! i don't have that either. ggrr. so i need to go to somerville, malden, beverely & revere! WTF. seriously stressing me out. and i of course know it's my own fault but that doesn't mean that these mean parking, registry, and city hall people need to go out & make the tax payers lives even more difficult. yes! i fcukd up, i parked somewhere i shouldn't have & i need to pay. because i don't pay when i should i'm penalized even more with late fees, taxes going up etc. so why do you need to take that extra step to make me go to 8 different cities & then to a registry where everyone & their mother is at. BLAH! blah is all i can say right now. but i must say my beloved* & parents somehow ( i have no idea how ) have been extremely patient with me & my "hormones" because my bible 'what to expect when expecting' says it's always the hormones & have also been a great help & with my insomnia in full bloom right now i don't sleep so i can get up early & run around then work all night! yay!
but of course the other issue of the baby jitters which co-insides with the fact we are in a tiny apartment will pass in time. we are seriously looking for a new place & finding a lot of great options we just need to wait for time & our lease! and i believe once we have the bigger place & i can feel secure that there's peanuts* place, snugglebutts place & a room of our own i think my mind will be at serious ease. and again my beloved* has been phenominal with me! i am not one of those crazy pregnant women you may be thinking of, i do stress out but i usually just get really quiet, & eventually tear up (yup my big pregnancy 'thing' lack of a better word at this time is crying). but he is phenominal at making sure i realize we are doin everything we can for this baby & snugglebutt, we got a new safer car, we are saving like crazy (well not really but we are working on that LoL) we have a few items that we need for peanut purchased already, & we are happy & healthy with each other. him & i agreed a long time ago we will never be "rich people" but we will be happy & healthy people, we feel you can't have them both in one lifetime so we will take making ends meet & being completely happy & healthy with each other, because isn't love what people really want in life, they want to be loved & have someone to love. so that always makes me very happy & we have this little peanut coming who i can just ooze my love all over all the time!
so i guess i am done at this time; bitching & moaning about things that are, i guess, on their way to being in order & all set. figures, i wanted to blog about how i am tired of seeing people "fml, i hate people, life is sor hard, etc etc" and i end up doing just that. blah. whatever i feel better. but i still do get annoyed with people who "hate people, fml, & cry about things that everyone has to deal with" happy tuesday fellow bloggers.


Miss Kolleen said...

oh god... when i was pregnant i was pretty happy for the most part but worry worry worry and of course i cried all the time. cry cry cry. every book i read had me bawling into the pillows (and mind you i was alone most nights so i could make a fool out of myself sobbing over "the dogs of babel"). i remember being hysterical over "the passion", thinking "someday this baby won't need me anymore!"... he was still in my stomach! it'll all pass, especially when you have more room to breathe. i had the insomnia too (i do anyway), i just read to pass the time.

that sucks about all your tickets and stuff-- the DMV is such a pain.

every day is a blessing and a miracle. most people just don't see that.

Jennie La* said...

yeah, i know it's just everything at once overwhelming me so it'll pass. just oh man. everything at once! LoL i am going to hit the library again and get a bunch of books because the insomnia is just beginning but it is serious business!