
business casual as usual.

so it's only wednesday of this long, painful, just people are rude/cruel/evil/all of the above week for me and i am already highly frustrated with the way things run at my job. i've worked one day, yesterday!! unreal. i love my job, please don't get the idea i hate my job. i love it. they send me around the country to train to become a better manager, i work with some great people on my staff, i meet rockin people from around the world & the regulars we have come in are just awesome people. i want to say it's some of my co-workers i don't particularly agree with their professional style & the way things are executed in the building. so! i work in a hotel, a rather known name at the airport of a large city. so you can imagine business (even in this economy) is somehow booming. things will never go perfectly anywhere people are! it's just the way it works, you can't please everyone all of the time. i've come to terms with that a long time ago, being in customer service pretty much my entire working career. but for customers/guests it's absolutely fine (well not fine but expected) of them to b!tch, moan, complain about they were not provided the service they paid or expected from us. i completely agree. if i go out & by a pink lipstick get home & it's 1. orange, 2. isn't lipstick or 3. was highly over priced for the fact that it isn't even what it was advertised to be i'm going back & someone's hearing my frustration. but i honestly, no matter where i personally go; a restaurant, stores, hotels, where-ever never try to take it out on the person standing in front of me representing the name. 1. they may not, actually probably are not the person that i encountered originally, 2. don't put up the ads or choice the wordage for the advertisement & 3. they are just like me, working for the weekend/paycheck & to get thru this "american way" so when people go to the extreme levels they do as to; call us morons, idiots, or even cuss-words, scream at us in front of others & belittle us s if we were dirt. i don't get too emotional or take it too personally, they're mad & they just want it fixed. but! when i am at my job trying my best to make sure the day goes smoothly from; picking guests up at the airport, tracking flights to make sure ViPs are taken cared of, directing the housekeeping night staff, checking in/out guests, and running my own stuff THEN! helping out different departments with paperwork & little projects they may not be able to figure out or get to at that time i really do not appreciate having the people i help everyday yell, scream, or stick their pudgy little finger in my face as though i was their child/pet! a human to human interaction especially with someone who 1. helps you everyday with a ton of stuff & 2. is a god damn human being who you know is screamed at by guests all the time should not be one you would have with your kid or an animal at home! seriously. that is where i draw the line. i completely understand we're all human we will lose our cool sometimes but these particular few people do it way too often & way too extremely. i am not a "manager" and guests hate it when at night they are looking for a manager & they get me, an "assistant manager" seriously doesn't fly with the one little word in there! and i believe the other managers of other departments in the building feel the same. when i bust my ace & do my usual great work for them it's yeah okay jen did her job! ah no! i helped you out & did a great job doing that, you're welcome. but when i try to help & things don't go exactly as planned; not badly, or messed up just not exactly how that person wanted it. all hell breaks loose! the yelling begins, screaming, finger pointing, name calling, be-littling of me. it's just absolutely fabulous. and all of this is done right where they find me, usually at my front desk in the lobby of a hotel with my staff i am currently working with at the time! yup. i'm the person that doesn't listen to direction, can't follow orders, messes everything up & just overall suck! and being coached by my boss so i can step up to the next position i need to work on my stern-ness & authority but with things like this occurring & my staff witnessing all of this how are they ever going to take me seriously? guests don't, other managers don't i'm just "an ass man" yup. blah!

sorry about the sad, down & just overall dragging blog today but i am highly frustrated at this point. any woman who has been pregnant knows how frustrating it can be to work full time (especially being on my feet 8 hours at a time), be pregnant! deal with grumpy people & just overall daily crap chutes thrown at you. it's can get to a gal. and normally i'd mention something to my boss & wait to see if things change, they never do but right now i am 25 weeks pregnant, tired all the time & doing the best i can to still keep up with what i used to slam out at work. but with no HR department in the building to help regulate this crap & help out frustrated workers i am getting to my wits end with this business. 1. it shouldn't even be occurring at all, people should not be allowed to treat people in these manners, 2. shouldn't be done in front of another person's staff & 3. just shouldn't be done in the manner it is conducted in at all! blah. and what really frustrates me about all of this, why all of this takes place if another person in another department even says ONE WORD literally that doesn't seem "professional" towards their superior, for an example the word "yup" all hell breaks loose & a sit-down needs to take place ASAP & needs to be handled, HA!! god love the working environment, it can be so entertaining sometimes.

well that is all for today fellow bloggers. again sorry for the mopey, depressing blog today but i am just exhausted in all forms of the word today with everything that is occurring around me. people are so frustrating! happy hump day

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