

so here in boston sunday means a rainy gloomy morning which if it does for others as it does for me it does not help me motivate myself in any way, i would just rather hang in my PJs all day watching DVR'd shows or movies but i now am waiting for my beloved* to get his ace out of the shower & ready to go, he always takes longer! it also means everything that needs to be done needs to be done before 7.30p that way we can all hurry home get comfortable and watch game 7 for the celtics! we need this to stay alive! so as i sit here waiting to being/end the day i came across just a few post secrets i enjoyed today, i am not sure if my sense of humor is changing since pregnancy but i am finding it harder & harder to pick post secrets i enjoy. well anyway here are the few i enjoyed.
apparently my beloved* feared for this his first time around but i am terrified i will have an ugly baby, i understand all babies are icky looking when they first are welcomed to the world but seriously what if my baby is "big-boned" or ugly? = (
i honestly did this in college, haha! good times.
while i do not have a husband overseas i have dear friends, actually someone i consider the best male guy friend i've ever had & i miss him dearly & worry for him everyday.
but that is all for today i guess fellow  bloggers. the shower has just stopped running so i can now finish getting myself ready & begin my day! happy sunday.

1 comment:

jayme1285 said...

you will not have an ugly baby. especially one that looks like that baby...my god i'd never have children if babies looked like that lol