
serious withdrawals.

please allow me to apologize dear classybroad_spaz.blogspot I have been neglecting you like crazy lately, not for a lack of things to talk about but for the lack of getting my lazy butt on the computer & chit-chatting with you. so updates! first we are now into our fourth month, second trimester with baby peanut (no new pictures yet) but we do have an appointment on Monday to see the doctor & find out exactly who this baby will begin to be (the sex) and get all of the results back from the bloodwork & other tests. so that is an exciting, scarey appointment. my dear beloved* had an accident at work about 10 days ago & crushsed three of his fingers in a machine & of course the night i decide "hey don't drive all the way home just stay at your parents tonight & rest" i get the call & he is on his way to the ER up at home, which is 30-40 minutes away! fabulous. so after a long night in the ER & lots of pain & blood my beloved* is sent home with serious bandages, stitches & meds. since then we have been enjoying his extra time off, we had a long weekend together over the holiday we did have lil snugglebutt aidan for a good portion of it; we hung out at my parents for a big bbq (which isn't normal for us we usually go to someone else's house chew & screw); went to my beloveds* family one night for a bbq & we took aidan to the zoo for the first time! which i personally absolutely love the zoo & i think aidan did as well, it was a gorgeous day too, not too hot or cold there was a nice breeze ah! it was just fabulous. and now i am back to work! working all weekend so my fellas will probably hang home & just hang, i hear it's suppose to be kind of icky out anyways so that works well & monday is the big appointment with the doctor. oh!! we did go on a tour as well of the maternity ward at the hospital where i will have this little peanut. i absolutely love the place! everything is private, secure, and just calming! there is a big tub i can get in & hang loose if i am stressed & need to relax during labor ( and when i say if i am stressed i really mean when i am stressed) my beloved* or "my coach" can come with me & play the soothing music we are working on for the labor & baby and rub my belly, i love when he rubs my belly! but i believe that is all to catch everyone up on this crazy life we are leading. but the purpose of the blog today, i do apologize wasn't just to chit-chat & catch up but for a purpose! for the past four years i have done a walk that a lot of people in boston somehow get involved with, it is called the "nstar's walk for the children's hospital of boston" it's either a 2 or 7 mile walk along the charles river (gorgeous setting) and we raise money & walk for the children's hospital. unfortunately, many of the walkers have been personally touched by the children's hospital & their fabulous staff & that is what gets a certain "click" to walk. i unfortunately had a sick cousin four years ago that spent a lot of time there & the staff that surronded my family was just absolutely amazing & even after the stay in the hospital they were & still are involved in our lives. so i walk every year now for my cousin & the other children, family members, friends that are in need to the services there. so i am hoping to get others to join me & walk (for those of you that know me know that the heat wave we have where it was hazy, hot & humid kicked my butt so i need lots of eyes on me & want more people to walk & raise money) so below is the website to donate right to me (thank you!) also on that same page on the right is a "REGISTER NOW" link to join me!

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