

So i had a doctor appoinment yesterday & oh man did i have lots of questions for them ha! i have a blackberry (bless those little devices) and as i thought of questions i put them in my little note-keeper & would ask the doctor or have my beloved* google answers for me. see now if you haven't gotten the concept of me yet i am a highly "why?" kind of girl, i need to know why about everything! when i went to college i went to my first choice 6 times, yes 6 times for a visit to get to the know school, atmosphere, before deciding this was it. so i need to know everything that is going on, will go on & just need to know everything about the topic "pregnancy, labor & delivery" so we have already been on a tour of the maternity ward (yes i am only 4 months! i will probably go at least two more times; grandparents need to see it, godparents, and i want to go again as a bigger pregnant woman!) LoL i am intense i know this, my beloved* knows this. so this appointment was getting the 12 tubes of blood-work results back, good news! all is well, both myself & baby peanut are just as healthy as can be, i am gaining weight right on schedule (8 pounds thus far, average is 10), i am B positive which i guess is good apparently pregnant women should be positive bloodtypes!? i will be googling that soon. and my doctor says that i am doing very well; very positive, happy about the pregnancy, upbeat & perky. so i am very excited! i was highly nervous & had a lot of anxiety going into the appointment yesterday so when all went well i was so releaved & could finally go back to my old self (which is probably what the doctor saw because she gave me the great news) but to the question & answer portion!
i asked cat (the nurse, she rocks! at the office) what are contractions? (again i need to know what the hell is going on with my body before it happens, i like to be prepared) she told me that they sort of feel like my muscles tightening up, or really bad period cramps (okay i can deal with that) but as they get closer together, i can count them & they are in a certain pattern they won't be as just "discomfortable" but rather on the painful side, that's how i know i am beginning labor.
my beloved*'s hand is doing very well, he is able to do more things slowly with it he finished his meds & i am glad for that it was killing his stomach and it took him a few extra days! aidan is well, cute as a button as ever, parents are doing well, everyone is just doing very well! we are all just "patiently" awaiting the news of what baby peanut will be! both my beloved* & i were confused and thought that yesterdays appointment would tell us, but unfortunately we weren't rabbits early enough & have to wait another 3 weeks, which eeh! is fine but i am starting to get a little anxious to know, at this point i don't care boy or girl i just want to know! but i guess that is all for the day, i have a big weekend coming up family friend turns 21 on friday & my friend val that we went to vegas to watch get married is having her reception on saturday so my beloved* and i along with the entire family are goign to that. very excited for it and not at the same time, being as healthy as i am as a pregnant woman my bridesmaid dress will no longer fit! so i am just wearing a regular dress as an "anybody' the one time i have a bridesmaid dress i love i can't wear! figures. LoL but that is all for tonight. ciao fellow bloggers

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