
drum roll please.

so today was the highly anticipated doctor's appointment, and for those who know me i make it my mission to never be late to anything! my beloved* must have a gene in him that makes him prone to being late! LoL so we don't always mess very well when planning our schedule. so! we had snugglebutt aidan this weekend & dropped him off to his mom (miss kolleen!) at about 1pm. which was perfect, drop him off jump on the highway & be on our way. well with the crazii rain again today i had to drive a little slower, being a safe driver, and it took a little longer to get there so instead of being 15 minutes early like i like, we showed up on time! walk in the office & big sign on the window where the fabulous little check in lady should be "please register in suite 125 first' where the fcuk is suite 125 i'm in suite 170? great. i instantly get worked up, stressed & annoyed and panic a bit, my beloved* loves when i do this because then it is his job to somehow get me to relax! ha. good luck babes. so we register and get back to the office, wait like 5 minutes if that and get in the room where i get to see the little peanut! the woman instantly rubs us both the wrong way, "oh well you guys were extremely late we may need to rush this" excuse me! the appt was for 145 i was 5 minutes late! and if i am "extremely late" that i am going to ruin your schedule for the day when you already have your 2p appt waiting then why the hell did you see me? re-schedule! so instantly my beloved* & i were eerked the wrong way with this broad, but we got over that fast once we saw our peanut. and she didn't rush us at all! she ended up being really cool, guess she just doesn't know how to give bad news i guess? whatever. baby peanut had their feet above their head, wiggling their toes & fingers! it was just amazing & of course because baby peanut was messing around we didn't get good pictures so we get to go back Sat! yay* more time to see my snugglebutt. i am super excited about that. but everything she saw seemed perfect-o! right on track to the day for being week 19. which i am loving, everything has been right on track thus far & things have been great thru the entire pregnancy for me, for us. which has been fabulous* and i got what i wanted, my baby girl! LoL altho once talking to my beloved* i was like 'omg, she is going to be my daughter. she's gonna be a little b!tch when she gets older' and we both died! fabulous. but that is all for today, sorry for the whole missing out on posting but things have been crazii & intense so i will be posting again sometime this week if not sooner on Sat for more news on peanut!


Miss Kolleen said...

pink pink pink pink pink! poor jimbo, always surrounded by girls!!!

you better watch out, that late gene rubs off-- i used to be very punctual too, and slowly i became someone who is late for everything too. though i may have ADD (testing for it the 30th) so it may not be a mcgonagle rub- off thing.

now to tell aidan--- IS THE BABY COMING IN TWO MIMUTES?

Jennie La* said...

yes the telling of aidan will come. ugh! and so will the constant questions. but i am glad it's a girl so there's no beef with who's is what blah blah. mine business!
no i have been forgetting like it's my job lately! damn pregnancy absentmindedness is really loving me.