

so at the moment i have a lot going on in my life; trying to work in free-time for the entire families (my beloveds* & mine), fun stuff with aidan, down time for me & baby peanut, snuggle time with my beloved*, & of course lots & lots of work. and i am beginning to notice that certain people that you call "friends" get rather upset when you are no longer available everynight to go out drinking, partying, & just being silly or just don't want to. now living on my own i completely understand why so many others had told me no (while still living at home) they couldn't go out money "was tight" because now i am living on my own, paying bills & realizing that i would rather just hang at home on my butt with my feet up & my main guy snuggling next to me than going out drinking, smoking (cigarettes!), partying all night long. i have just moved from that portion of my life, that's all. yet some people do not like it or want it "allowed" LoL allowed, i haven't been told what to do or things weren't "allowed" since i was 13 years old and i am now 24 & pregnant with my own only person telling me what to do is that little peanut now. i honestly am just beside myself with the fact that these people can not handle that things change, there was a small, tight-knit group that went out all the time & there are two other males that have gone & done the same (they aren't pregnant) but have moved in with a significant other, one rather far away so that we rarely ever see him, another is dating random ladies & traveling all the time but it is perfectly acceptable for them yet not myself, why is it?! mind blowing to me. isn't the point of "life" to grow up, have fun, find someone to love you, be together (marriage or not), have babies & continue life?! well apparently not! people need to be single, party all night, blow their money out the window & live in the "fast lane" so life will shortened. blarg! sorry today i jsut had a moment where someone i once called a "friend" was utterly rude to me, and have been a number of times & occassions and i am at the point where i am like seriously how the fcuk were we ever friends & why? i personally lose touch with someone or have a "falling out" with someone & i just leave it at that even when i was younger teenager or what-not i never bad-mouthed anyone until of course i was bad mouthed then i just state the obvious. i don't see the point in the bad mouthing someone you once confided in or called a friend?! i just would rather not have that person mentioned to me at all, they don't exsist in my eyes anymore. blarg! i guess i am done with that long rank & rave of this topic, i guess people will always be the way they are & be horrible, disgusting people and there's nothing we can do about it. just brush it off our shoulders & "be the bigger person" but i must tell you blog -world i am getting rather tired of it.


Crash said...


I still live at home, you know this, but I never have any money to go down to Boston and see my friends. The ones who matter, understand that, because they're in the same boat, well minus having a kid, because most of my friends who I'm close to don't have kids. Then, I have some friends who bitch me out about not hanging out with them. I have a friend from Malden who lives in Lawrence now, but I haven't had the time to go hang out with him. He bitched at me on myspace about going down to Miza's on Monday night. I flipped. I was like "Dude, Karlie's mom died, I'm going down there for that. I wouldn't be taking time off of work to just go hang out." He read the message never responded. Bitch. Pfft.I'm babbling. Mani/pedis tomorrow?

Jennie La* said...

LoL it's just seriously lame man. "friends" they're over-rated & unnecessary sometimes.