
I'm A Troublemaker!

"Put me in a special school cuz I am such a foolAnd I don't need a single book to teach me how to readWho needs stupid books? They are for petty crooksAnd I will learn by studying the lessons in my dreamsSo turn off the TV cuz that's what others seeAnd movies are as bad as eating chocolate ice-cream They only sicken me, don't let me play footballI'll sack the quarterback and jack the brother of the ball . . i'M A TROUBLEMAKER . NEVER BEEN A FAKER . DOiNG THINGS MY OWN WAY AND NEVER GiViNG UP . . i'M A TROUBLEMAKER . NOT A DOUBLE-TAKER . i DONT HAVE THE PATiENCE TO KEEP iT ON THE UP!" . . . "
So tonight is the Weezer concert & I am stoked! woot.woot! Never seen em, going with a small but really cool gang of clowns. It starts at 7.30p at the Tsongas Areana in the Lowell area and it can't come soon enough . . There will be pictures up soon of this concert, as well as the lil man's fabulous "Star Wars " party we had Sunday so stay tuned!

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