
Calm after the Storm

Okay, so I am feeling so much better than yesterday! I took all of my frustrations of work, scheudling, lack of sleep, lack of respect out on my apartment with my cleaning products. So not only did I kind of work out, I am way more relaxed today & the apartment got a serious scrub down! Not too shabby if I may say so myself, LoL. But I seriously wanted to apologize for the angry blog yesterday, I was (obviously) seriously frustrated with a lot of things & let them just bottle up & then I kind of exploded and I have not been my usual perky, upbeat, bubbly self. Not only do I want that lady back but some of my circle needs that right now, LOVES!! Some of my loved ones surronding me are having their own episodes at the moment so I need to get back to myself ASAP and help them out. But in my reality check of myself last night I relazied that I had some pictures I wanted to share this morning, there had been a lot of things going on in the past few weeks & I have been slacking on sharing with you. My moms' birthday had past & the girls got together for an interesting cake, bonfire & drinks then of course we had the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk with the Rock Your Sox team and I have pictures of them all. And there will be more coming, this weekend is all about myself & my beloved, we finally have some down time to just hang and enjoy each others' company & I am stoked! Also my dearest & friend of years and I are going to Haunted Acres this Thursday on Epping, NH and I am so excited! This is a yearly thing we do, go to a different haunted house at least once a season & get the pants scared off of us, and I am a huge scaredy cat but I love it! So there will be more blogs with more interesting things. Til then fellow bloggers!

Val and I at the bonfire

That would be my beautiful mom & Rileigh & her interesting cake

That is my beloved & I

Rock Your Sox family portion

Rileigh Marie*

We took the short cut, and we were proud!

Have a fabulous day/week fellow bloggers, and do as I say not as I do and don't let those grinches get you down! They seriously are not worth an ounce of us, at all!


Miss Kolleen said...

you gotta learn to resize your pics girl! theyre too small!

Jennie La* said...

sorry! did the blog quick at work, they are all on my myspace/facebook. if you really wanted to see them at a larger scale.

Miss Kolleen said...

youre tagged in my latest blog!