
Story Behind my Name

So being the fact that work is absolutely dead this morning, and this is just the beginning of the slow season, barf! I am extremely bored, strung up on caffeine & need to do something with my energy so I will blog yet again today! So I will tell the story behind my blog website, http://www.classybroad-spaz./ I got the "classybroad" from my beloved* James Steven I seriously am a clown. I burp, say silly things, am a serious blonde chick, & just overall seriously weird chick, and he always comments to me when I do this funny things "you're a classybroad love" LoL and the "Spaz" portion started a long time ago (and also from recently) back in middle school my OCD seriously started to kick in & I would Spaz out if things weren't perfectly lined & in their places, so my friend Skitch starting calling me Spaz! And of course being that my OCD has worsened over the years that only means that my Spazzing has only gotten worse! LoL so my beloved* not knowing any of my childhood friends, well a select few he does but not this particular friend, called me Spaz as well! so I sat there looking at a blank computer screen wondering . . what do I want my own personal website to say? What do I want people to know me as, seriously sat and of course had a blonde moment & couldn't think of a thing. Until bam! while texting my beloved* I said something & he of course said "babe, you're a classybroad!" So I just knew that that was what I wanted my website to be! CLASSYBROAD-SPAZ because that is me, not only am I THE classiest broad you will ever meet, I am also a huge spaz & can seriously wig out & make people laugh at my own expense! LoL
So I just thought I'd share that funny story with you, but just an fyi not only does James Steven make me spaz out all the time, I am great at doing it to him as well. He thinks he is so slick but I get him all the time & he is WAY funnier to see spaz out! Loves baby, nothing but loves!
That's all for today, promise! = )

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