
The Walk was Today

Today was the "BREAST CANCER AWARENESS WALK" and my "ROCK YOUR SOX" team did a phenomenal job raising money, getting people to realize it was BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH ((which lasts 31 days)), and actually getting their butts up so early on a Sunday & into the city! THANK YOU THANK YOU! MANY A THANK YOU's TO MY TEAM. We had a total of $1555 at 7.25a this morning when I last checked the team's website with more coming in from cash donations girls hadn't put on the website yet! MAJOR KUDDOS TO YOU! That was over our goal and any money raised is absolutely amazing! Everyone, but one person showed up & we also had an additional 3 show up at the last minute so we ended up making a few people on the team! LoL.

'ROCK YOUR SOX' 2008 sponsored by ::
  • Four Points by Sheraton Boston Logan Airport, Revere, MA
  • Cityside Towing, Charlestown, MA
  • Acme Ice Co., Somerville, MA
  • Supersportusa.com, Malden, MA
Thank you so very much to our sponsors, and to Mark & his great team at supersportusa.com store without you guys my chicken scratch and horrible drawing would have ruined the shirts.

This team called themselves "SASSY TATAs" thought that one was pretty awesome, there also was "FEEL YOUR BOOBIES" "MARTHAS MOBSTERS" and of course I can not think of the other clever names there were at the moment, but people thought of some awesome names!

All in all, the walk was not only a success but it was an awesome experience. The finish line was absolutely amazing, all the support from random people, the survivors & women battling breast cancer now thanking you for just walking blew me away. And as corny as it sounds, it was a bonding experience, it was a lot of fun walking 5 miles with people chatting, people you love & see all the time but also don't even know. The names of your teams spark up a conversation as well as my hat I wore, and the shade of pink you choose, or names or slogans you wore. It was just honestly an absolutely rewarding experience and I can not wait for next year! More planning, more fundraising, and beginning it all earlier so things will be ten times better! A major thank you to everyone that was there, my team mates, my family & friends, the people I met at the walk! Thank you all so much! Meant the world to me this morning!

1 comment:

Tree said...

thanks for all the comments. I will def put up pics of wally. U def have put my mind at ease about school and stuff so thank u I will ttys