


Hope everyone gets lots of candy, lots of laughs & stays safe & warm tonight. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays & this year is cool, I am hanging with almost everyone! (usually I work) I am working this morning where I am hanging with Cat, then a nap (of course) hanging with momadukes, aunts, cousins, the boys (kenny&brian) & the delorey clan, then off the haunted house with my loverly rileigh marie*, and then hopefully fitting in the Carrie/Kassie bash with the McG clan & stopping by Linda's lovely new home! I will not be seeing my beloved* or Aidan today which is a major bummer but I will be sent pictures of Aidan's costume & be seeing my beloved* very soon! But I am still not feeling very well this morning & I don't think I will be feeling much better anytime soon, but I am in good spirits & will not let it get me down. But that is it for this morning, here at work (aka my life) we're doing "the decade you were born in" here at work & I am rockin some awesome 80s gear, pictures from that & the rest of the day/night will come up soon.


Miss Kolleen said...

i will definitely send you pics tonight or tomorrow-- well, definitely by the end of the weekend, whenever i get them on the computer (it's going to be a very halloweenie weekend!!!) i feel bad you and jimbo can't come trick or treating with us, i think it would have been fun if we had all dressed up and gone out!

i hope you feel better, sending good vibes your way!

Jennie La* said...

thanks for the good vibes! i need em, yeah maybe two years from now we can do a theme together & go trick or treating! wootwoot.