
Silver Lining anyone?

So just as I am personally starting to feel better, my parents throw me a screwball! I go by their house today, because being the spoiled Princess I am they still by me yummy food so I swing by their house before to grab some & "wally! come here wally!" my little lapdog won't come!? My brother comes walking in "before you flip out, here us out" yeah! We all know what happened, MY DOG WENT TO THE FARM! Wtf. The deal was you hold the dog until my beloved* & I move into a place where we can have dogs & I'll take him, they can't wait like 5 more months? Arg. Not only was he my Christmas present & loving pet for years now, they just tossed him aside like a mut?! Wtf. But my brother's big beast of dog can stay? Boo! Ontop of this my dear beloved* got some unsettling news today. Where is the silver lining? Boo! It's something that happens, and he will get past it because he is strong & knows we all love him so but just the fact that there hasn't been a break for us in weeks now! Blah. Again hopefully this weekend that is all ours will do us justice. Hope everyone else is doing fabulous, I have another doctors appointment tomorrow, wish me luck!


Miss Kolleen said...

I can't believe they'd get rid of your dog without telling you! What kind of dog was it?

I hate how this world throws such unfortunate curve balls, however I think we all grow stronger from them.

Jennie La* said...

he was a lasapoo. cutest little tan dog with curly hair, there's a picture of him on mobile uploads on facebook. i got him for christmas the same year i lost my dog jasper! my parents are high up on my sh!t list, dad was trying to get me a new car he better make it happen