
So This is Life*

I'm not sure what has put me on this "so thoughtful" phase but it is starting to get to me, I'm Italian & Irish we're stubborn, mean & cranky why the heck do I all of a sudden give a crap as to why things happen, or people are the way they are or what people think?! Pfft. I am not sure but I can tell you one thing I took a nice hot bubble bath last night, read a book & just thought (horrible flaw/quality of mine, double edged sword right there with me). So I got to thinking about what I've done thus far in my life, where I've gone, things I've seen & how I've changed. I mean we all do whether or not we like it, it happens. Think about who you are today compared to who you were in college or high school completely different people in every aspect! I personally have done a number of changes; looks wise, thought process, just a complete 180. And I honestly feel like I like the person I am today more than any other person I've been in my life, except maybe when I was 4 or 5 and was just a spoiled princess!

But thinking back, in high school I was the kid of person who could chat with anyone I wasn't friends with everyone had my own tight little circle but knew everyone & everyone knew me. I wasn't as out-spoken or dependent as I am now, I was more reserved & didn't really stand up for what I believed in as hard-core as I do today. I wasn't as confident in myself at all, was very emotional & could not hide it if my life depended on it! I was a cheerleader of portion of time, played soccer, I pretty much tried it all.
In college I was all over the place, extremely outgoing, outspoken, figuring out who I was. I went to college with a boyfriend & good friend from high school. Being that college kids go to school by seniority myself & my friend (who happened to be a guy, hi ryan!) went to a frat party , got trashed & I got alcohol posioning! Fabulous! A lot of other stories that were hilarious, silly & just college stories LoL But I spoke my mind, had a million questions, knew a bunch of people & even stepped into the role of RA, I was a lot more confident in myself.
Turning 21 was a huge learning process, that's what I'll go with LOL. I drank all the time, drank to forget people, situations, just to hang with the new crowd I hung with & just have a good time, come on I was 21. I had a new job, new friends, new ID that could get me to bigger, badder places. I just did what (I believe) every 21 year old does when they turn 21, just drink! Then I found my beloved* and I am again, completely different.
Now; I am completely out-spoken the only time I really hold my tongue is I feel it's not the place or time for it, believe in love again, even possibilities of me having a family! Something I haven't felt I wanted since . . . I don't even know when. I am more focused on my career, loved ones & just being way more positive than I have been since high school.
The point of todays blog I guess is just to have everyone look at themselves, seriously take a look, how many times have you changed? And have a good core of friends stood by each one of your changes? And if there has been those people (other than family) that stood by you & your changes, do you do it back? I am at a place where I really don't feel the need for drama or to deal with it at all. I know we all say that phrase "I don't want drama" but I really mean it. I work hard, play hard, do a lot of "down activities", hang with my family (which I haven't done in a long time) I still have time for everyone, just not everynight & I am happy, in love & moving forward with my life. Why is it that some people frown & scorn towards that? Hhhm. Well that is my thought of the day today, working my 16 hour weekly day maybe another blog later but I doubt it actually busy this weekend, yay* Valentine's Day for that. LoL I will leave you now fellow bloggers with pictures of the old me & the new me! Still the same lil ol' me just a little different.
The old me.
This would be me with dark hair & at the beginning of my "down phase"
And another, LoL madukes teaching me the luge.

HaHa only played games that involved drinking, Happy 3rd of July.

And the new me!
Hanging at home, with Aidan
(he doesn't always make such goofy faces, he's usually very handsome, just like daddy)

more babies in my life, LoL for someone who hated kids/babies I got em everywhere. Little Miss Rileigh Marie* here
More natural with the hair, makeup & even sporting my glasses more often & of course always sporting the man I love, my beloved*

happy thursday!

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