

This will now be my slogan!I have a million different activities pulling me in every which way, it's insane sometimes. I, of course, have to work (that'll never change) & we are undergoing major changes; come good & some horrid, scarey & jsut making all of us crap our pants. I am working on my two personal favorite walks: NSTAR'S walk for Children's Hospital of Boston & The Breast Cancer Awareness walk but I have a new walk to put on my calender & get amp'd for, it is the 1st Annual NEDA walk oragnized, promoted & just overall rocked this event by the fabulous Kolleen. This walk is this month on the 22nd, which LoL that weekend I have a beeday party and a wedding! Insane. Please pardon my disappearance & overall sucking of my blog entries lately I am just in a million places right now! It snowed, again! yesterday, worked on my day off Monday, & now back to work already! It never ends LOL but despite the stress levels increasing, the sleep seriously slacking (my own crazii sleeping habits' fault), and the my diet just completely horrid (living off caffeine & sugar) but I am amp'd to get it all done. My favoritest thing in the world is prepping for a walk, the stress is insane. You have a million things to do, you feel it won't get completely in time, raising money (economy it horrid), getting walkers, supporters but once the event comes & you're in action & finally finish & sit back & just sigh with relief it's all done but that it was successful & a blast! But now is crunch time. I am heading back to work mode (if I can get myself there today), finishing up some projects there, & beginning the donation hunt! Ciao fellow bloggers, promise to be back soon with a fabulous blog about fabulous things. LoL here are some fun photos of what my life has/is going to consisit of for the next few months!
Poor Homer! This will be me . . I am assuming mid-July?!

The NEDA logo!

This would be my preggers Julie. Oh is she going to be brutal, 7-8 months pregnant in the middle of summer! LoL good luck Walter.

And of course the stack of bridal showers, and few baby showers I will be attending this year. Is it okay to have like 3 mis-matchable outfits & just alternate? LoL Seriously people my money tree died years ago forgive me for the outfit repeats
Good luck to me & all of my upcoming events, visit me if I am admitted!

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