
Men vs Women

So today my beloved* & I were discussing men vs women, this is a conversation we have often just thru observing other couples & the way they are with each other, interact & treat each other (not stating in any way our relationship is perfect but just observing & commenting we all do it) So continuing on this trip I'm running I google'd information about men vs women on a few websites & got some information. www.cyberparent.com states that 
The differences between men and women start at birth as parents and society begin the socialization process. The  need  to separate from "mother" and  become  an  independent self, causes different problems for boys and girls.Boys must separate from "mother" to  form  a gender  identity.  This causes boys to form a  set  of  defenses against  abandonment by "mother" and to form a strongly  separate sense of self. Because this separation of "mother" and boy comes before  the  ability to express complex  emotional  responses  in words, a man often cannot talk comfortably about what his  feelings mean to him. Emotions are dangerous and make him feel vulnerable. Reason and logic provide protection.A man then spends his life  torn between a desire for close and intimate  relationships  with  women and a defense  against  any  relationship where  intimacy  and intensity are strong enough to mimic the strength of the relationship with his mother. The girl child has less need to separate from "mother." Thus, she becomes a woman who needs relationships. Relationships offer safety while isolation offers  threats. 
While the website http://uk.encarta.msn.com/ states that:
While the term “sexism” dates from the mid-1960s and came into frequent use after the rise of women's liberation movements in 1968-1969, the practice of sexism has a long history. Many of the predominant cultures in the world today were founded on a patriarchal system (rule by fathers). The religions of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Confucianism—which together cover much of Europe, the Americas, North Africa, the Middle East, India, and China—have all produced patriarchal cultures. Traditionally, rights to property and nationality passed through the male line, with the result that women's legal status was generally inferior to that of men: until the 20th century, women had no voting rights, limited rights to property, and were, in most respects, subject entirely to their fathers or husbandsCultural media such as television and film may help perpetuate sexism by presenting uncritically stereotypical images of men and women. For example, a television drama might present women only as housewives and mothers and depict men doing exciting work outside the home, thereby implying that men have no involvement in their homes and families and that women have no interest in the outside world. To take another example, an action film might feature women who are physically attractive but who lack believable characterization. Such films have been criticized as demeaning women by presenting them as passive objects for the fantasies of male viewers. However, there are many writers and artists whose work makes a conscious effort to question sexist assumptions and to subvert genderstereotypes. For instance, “alternative” (non-subsidized) theatres have sought to give expression to women's and gay people's experience. In addition, some writers have developed children's stories that avoid narratives which endorse marriage or demean women by casting them as witches and wicked step-mothers. It is argued that it is important to introduce children to non-sexist culture and behaviour from an early age because cultural pressures within and outside the home mean that even very young children have absorbed sexist attitudes which affect the way they perceive themselves and other people.
In my personal opinion I feel sexism, women vs men & all of it so put in the trash with all the other garbage we just toss away. Why is it in 2009 this is even a topic? Have we not already fought these battles & kinda sorta no we did win! It just boggles my mind that men & even women still act this way & get away with it. I have women in my place of work that act like your typical 'emotional, b!tchy women' and when confronted or the fact they act this way in the business world people just tend to brush it off their shoulders or are like 'it's just so & so' wtf is that? I am not high up in my business but I am not one of the beginners, I am an Assistant Front Office Manager, who pretty much is the Front Office Manager. I don't want to throw out a status & have everyone 'aw' but seriously. I am (I hope) usually very professional & with the feed back I usually get I am, I am your typical emotional, craziied woman but this is work, not my house! I can't throw a temper-tantrum or b!tch people out & get my way, yet some women are & don't have anything addressed and things just continue to run this way! Why? And on the other side I see men who are living in the 15th or 16th century where women belong in the kitchen; cooking, baking & baby making! WTF is that. I don't consider myself a hardcore feminist just want equality all over but that is sh!t ridiculous! Yes, even today men still seem to somehow bring in more income & technically 'provide for the family' but women cook, clean, care for the children/pets & men just seem to pass thru life doing the bare minimum. Even if financially the couple isn't equal, things in the household/apartment definitely should be! Share the duties; cook together (it's bonding!), doing laundry, taking out the trash & just cleaning the place. No one wants to do it, these are the things that need to be done, we're all tired nowadays everyone is working so help out. And the way couples speak to each other is mortifying! My beloved* and I do cuss, yell, wrestle & get our frustrations out when needed but neither one of us is degrading, hurtful or just plain out mean we're just kidding around. Some women & men are so horrible to each other I wonder why they are even together, where's the joy in the relationship, is someone an acrobat behind closed doors? LoL And if so, how far can that take a relationship, I hope not very. I guess I am judging what I don't know, on certain occasions people may think the same of me, my relationship and my beloved* but I feel relationships; professional, friendships, especially relationships should have none of what I've been ranting about involved. 
I guess our discussion over dinner has started stirring up a million thoughts & questions in my mind. Maybe my age makes me naive to what life & people really are like, but I believe I have a good feel as to what goes on around me & honestly I don't like it. Maybe this is where I an stuck at; observing, munching on my thoughts & just questioning to no end? Who knows why things are the way they are, where they began, why they ever began in such a way? I may never have a full answer to any of my questions about men & women & relationships, maybe no one will but I will continue to ponder & research. That is all for tonight I guess, he's falling asleep & I have the urge to clean (my horrible sleeping habits are back this week) til tomorrow fellow bloggers . . hopefully some of you could shed some light on my millions of questions.

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