
Serious pondering here.

I am not sure if it's this time off I have or the fact that I am in a good place in my own life that I am wondering, questioning & observing everything around me but I want answers. Today, I did some everyday errands we all have to do and again, I am a huge people watcher (my beloved* catches me all the time) and I just wonder what's the deal, their story? Today, I overheard two little old ladies conversing but then as I pass them their conversation changes & it was blatantly obvious they were now speaking of me as I pass. Now I am not a huge "stand-outish person" but I do wear shirts with funny sayings, & layers upon layers. So today I walk by with just regular jeans (none of those hootchie momma jeans on, long sleeve shirt, pink tee shirt that says "BIG FUN in a little package" & white converse sneakers) nothing outlandish! And I personally think that shirt is PG and hilarious, that would be why I bought it! But apparently the clothing these girls wear today is outrageous! Yes, I got outrageous! Okay ladies, I understand we grew up in different times & I wouldn't be caught dead in what you grew up wearing but seriously! There are other "ladies" out there wear really outlandish, outrageous, crazii outfits! pppfft. Just astonishing! Then I come in of course & b!tch to my beloved* about what had happened, he laughs because it is just outrageous that these ladies think that I wear the outrageous clothing! So I was reading my book & ventured off into my thoughts, yet again & wondered where do each one of us get our different ideas of what is & is not appropriate? I know that our basis comes from our upbringing but we then grow up begin to learn about the world & see different things yet two best friends living next door to each other for their entire lives, same background, all the same can end up with completely different ideas of what is & is not appropriate?! Interesting, I guess that's what makes us individuals, but just mind boggling. LoL I guess I must be naive because I don't get a lot of things & have a million questions but maybe once you've really fallen in love you're eyes officially open up & you know can look at the world without any bias or clouded judgement, that you have no "hard feelings" or spitefulness towards anything and just tip your head and wonder "huh?" I know I do, about everything! And somehow go from 'what the heck am I gonna blog about?' to hell yea i need to research this, this & this & then blog baby blog! But I guess I am down rambling for the night/day and I am off to cook some yummie food for dinner so . . ciao* fellow bloggers. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a really interesting topic to ponder.

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