loud, out-spoken, purveyor of peace, laughter, cleanliness, and full bellies. short tiny adorable lady, who is a major fan of "sea food". not always the most polite or "lady" lady but i am lots of fun. just looking for a place to speak my peace and not have some argue it, we all have our own opinions don't like mine don't read them!
okay miss/mr perfect
So, today's blog is going to be about 'self-righteous' people, thoughts, idea & -ness in general. To being the defintion of self-righteous is " confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic & intolerant of the opinions & behaviors of others " that definition being brought to you from definition.com. So someone who is confident in themselves but is intolerant of others, hmm sounds like anyone you know? Sounds like someone everyone knows, we all know someone that is like that. Ugh! They are frustrating & so rude, ignorant & they are intolerable for us! Unfortunately I know a few of these people; a few I work with so I have to suck up what I really want to say, smile & a say yup! sure whatever you say & the people that are in my personal life are important to others; family or friends so if I just say what I want which is usually a rude comment right back at them because "people are senitive" and I am not. Pppft. Grow up, life is a bummer & if you can dish it out you should be able to take it. Why is so many people surrond me all, I mean all, preach they take sh!t from no one, do what they want, say what they want & basically just do whatever. But they always!! are nice or sugar coat things for others & tell me 'oh no we're not friends, i can't stand that c^nt, what a d0uchebag"?! WtF hypocrite ugh! Yet I actually say what I want when I want & everyone seems to think I am insensitive & cruel, I'm not cruel I just say what everyone else is thinking & few of us have the balls to say. I am tired of these "self-righteous" people who do no wrong by anyone because usually you are the most intolerable, rude & worst people to be around in the entire world! Yeah I went as far as entire world, and I meant it! Blah. I just wish that, people don't need to be cruel, would just say exactly what they meant, okay yeah we are friends deal with it, or hey! you know what I don't really give a sh!t or just be a d0uchebag & stop preaching you do no wrong cause hunny we all do & by you saying you never do & are a complete ass all the time guess what, you're worse than I am. Ha! Well bloggers, I am 'working' unfortunately it is extremely, extremely slow & we are losing our biggest client tomorrow so things are phenomenal here! Ciao*
Not much.
So, it's been about a week my dear blog. WoW it has been a very eventful, news filled, lots of excitement, nervousness, & just overall 'wow' But I will get into details at a later time, not an open book but this is something that will be known eventually to all, but no need for it now. But onto other things. Hhhm. All is well here; Boston is starting to slowly warm up, the snow is almost all gone, baseball season is almost here, and the economy is hurting us but not killing us! Which is phenomenal! I understand everyone is under lots of pressure & stress worrying about their financial situation, trust me I am as well, but if you have a job, have food, shelter & loved ones I think you're golden I know I am! We can't have it all right, I'd prefer food, shelter & lots of love than lots of money, of course all of the above would be nice but they say 'you can't have your cake & eat it too' so I like the cake I have.
I don't really have much to say & I am rather tired, but I am here news is coming (rather exciting news) & looking for some topics to blog about. Altho I believe once my fellow bloggers are back, no names (kaiti, kolleen, & jaime) I will read theirs & get ideas, that's basically how it works. Seem everyone is on vacation lately! Til later bloggers.
Mile a Minute
I am so sorry I have been neglecting you my dear blog! But unfortunately this will not be a "real" post tonight. My mind is all over the place big week this week; and I don't mean big in a good way altho some items/events have been good overall it's been a glum week. Young person I know has passed away, two near/dear people to me are having serious issues with some serious issues (not my stories to tell), I also have friends with weddings coming very fast, babies on their ways just lots going on at the moment. We did replace the girl that went MiA here at work but the whole re-training process (we hired back a girl who was laid-off) is draining. Plus we are starting to get busy (yay*) so getting things ready for these guests, groups, corporate accounts & crews coming in beginning next month is kicking my ace & all I want to do when I am not here is sleep or just relax with my feet up. I do! Have good news, well no details at this time but some very exciting news is to come very soon. Lots of my loved ones have exciting things going on & the second I have time to sit & concentrate on their stories (that I can share) I will be all over it. Until later in the week my fellow bloggers & beloved blog! Ciao*
Not Sure What to Say
Happy Monday! Took a lot for me to get myself to say that, I had probably the worst weekend in a really long time. Worked it all, literally double shifts, back to back shifts & spent almost my entire weekend at or on my way to work! Fabulous. On top of that got a lot of bad news about people I know & care about! Even better. Can't really complain about work because even tho I was there I was with the weekend crew, who rock, and did enjoy most of it (last night was horrible) but I had Jamie by my side! thank god. But this morning I was to begin my training for my 60-mile, 3-a-day walk and that was a bust. Postponed until next week, with all of the exhaustion from working 60+ hours and having to get up at 7a with my beloved* & Aidan after only four or so hours of sleep I said screw that.
But today I want to focus on narcotics! Why do people use them, I understand some they are fun, exciting & whatever but why the ones that we all know can kill you in an instant?! I can't grasp my mind around that, let me get high for a little bit only to possibly croke afterwards?! I looked up the definition of narcotics and http://www.streetdrugs.org/narcotics.htm tells me that narcotics are "drugs that alleviate physical pain, suppres coughing, alleviate diarrhe, and induce anesthesia. Natural narcotics are derived from the Opium poppy & synthetic narcotics are made to act like the major constituents of Opium (thebaine, morphine, codeine). Legal, synthetic narcotics such as OxyContin (oxycodone) and Vicodin (hydrocodone) are prescribed as pain-relievers but are often diverted for illegitimate uses. Heroin is an illegal narcotic, derived from morphine." Myself, along with people I know, love & care for are dealing with a lot of (lack of a better word) crap with people & narcotics. I just can't grasp my mind around why people do these things, and everyone says "oh well i smoke weed & it leads to other things" that is complete & utter bullsh!t. Weed isn't like any other drug, there's no need to "step-up" with weed, maybe a different form or what-not but "step-up" from something that there is nothing else out there like?! Okay buddy, complete bullsh!t. Now I only know this from people who know people that do these things, luckily even tho living where I did during my youth I never was caught up in this "group" but I guess Heroin users usually start with OC's or Oxycodone pills and those get too expensive because their tolerance builds up & needs more to get the same high & it's cheaper as Heroin okay that I can understand & grasp my mind around, I guess. And I was reading on http://psych.med.nyu.edu/conditions-we-treat/conditions/narcotic-abuse that the narcotic abuse begins either in that exact way or a patient takes a perscription painkiller too often or for too long a period of time & the body builds up a tolerance for the drug, the user feels they neeed more of the drug & becomes dependent! Fabulous. So the meds the doctors give me for whatever reason we need them for we could possibly become dependent on! Great news. The same website then also says that there are treatment options to come off of these drugs & not feel the " I need that drug " anymore.
With all of this information it is not helping me any. I mean, OxyCodone is a legal drug people need for pain, so who the hell came up with Heroin! It is illegal! Where the hell did it come from & why the hell did they need to sell it to people?! Got my answer! http://wiki.ansers.com/Q/what_country_did_heroin_originate_from tells me that "heroin is derived from opium, which has historically come from Afghanistan (and continues to mainly come from there) Heroin itself was first synthesized in 1874 by an English chemist and was later marketed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, a German company. It was advertised as a safe, no-addictive alternative to morphine, and was so named because it made the user feel 'heroic'."
So glad that the people from the 1800s felt they knew so much about so much that they advertised this bullsh!t as "non-addictive, safe alternative" I am not sure where I am going with any of this or what even I am trying to get across with all of these words & phrases. I guess I am just looking for answers for myself as to why these things happen to people, and good people. Why get yourself caught up in this crap, but now I see it's not always their faults (per say). Life is absolutely insane, the things it puts people thru, let's happen & the events that take place. Maybe life is the hell & once you've died you go to Heaven because we've been thru all of the crap here on hell?! I am not sure what I believe in anymore, altho I haven't in a long time. I guess that is all for today, please love the people around you & do your best to take care of them because life is so precious & could be gone in a moments time.
This is War.
I feel that it is literally the world against me, I have been working insane amounts of hours (due to the girl just disappearing one day during her shift), not seeing my beloved* (therefor not getting my love & affection), not sleeping well at all, lots of crap on my mind & just tired of dealing with a bunch of big cry-babys all over the place. I have decided that I will not partake in being the "bigger person" any longer. I will give snide comments back, quick zingers, & just overall give me crap & you're getting it right back. I am exhausted, over-worked, under-paid & dealing with a bunch of crapasses everywhere I turn so you want to play these games they are coming right back to you! = ) that makes me happy. I have been the "bigger person" my entire life, my parents have enstilled in me the bullcrap "treat others how you want to be treated" and "two rights don't make a wrong" but you know what, those don't work either! Why be nice, respectful, & just overall a good person if it gets you nowhere? This "karma" business I have believed in my entire life is crap too! I do all these good things, take crap from others & do things for others but I get nothing back, no recognition of anything just get crap piled ontop of crap! Nice. So I am throwing all of that out the window, I am going to take care of myself! Literally myself from thus forward & I will give back to those who give to me. AH! It feels good to proclaim my independence & self-dignity back.
So I guess this week coming up will be the week of me. I begin my training to get in shape & prepared for the 60-mile, 3-day Breast Cancer walk & now I am doing right by me! Ah, the things I will feel better about doing. I mean I am not going to be spiteful or vengeful but if others are douches, rude, c..you..n..t's then guess what I love being a douche, I can seriously be rude (I am Irish & Italian good & bad mix) and I personally love that c..you..n..t word so call me it! = ) give me a little giggle. And the week will begin bright & early Monday morning so I will be tired, so bring it on = ) ah life will be grand taking care of myself & a HIGHLY select few. I will also be getting piss-drunk Monday night with the fabulous Jamie for St. Patrick's Day (we both work Tuesday) and I will be eager for a fight, so please bring it on! LoL I am such an angry woman, but only when my buttons are pushed. I forgive few & remember everything!
Now I just want to leave this blog with, I am not one of those cry-babies I mention oh so often, I am jsut proclaiming my dignity back & warming the world around me that it's war. I am extremely independent, take care of myself & a few others at the same time (none of which I have to, I care about them & want to), I try to help everyone & their mother whenever/however I can but it gets me no where but broke, aggrevated, & stressed to the max! So I give up, not in!! Have a peaceful weekend & be kind to others, who knows what kind of day they're having & what you'll get back & if it'll ruin your day! = ) cheese.
I just want to re-itterate I am a happy, good person but I am just a good person at her wit's end. A good person can only take so much crap before they break & I am near my breaking point & I can not break, I will not break so I will begin to give it back!! I am a Taurus, it's a bull, want the horns?? LoL ciao* Happy Saturday.
So I guess this week coming up will be the week of me. I begin my training to get in shape & prepared for the 60-mile, 3-day Breast Cancer walk & now I am doing right by me! Ah, the things I will feel better about doing. I mean I am not going to be spiteful or vengeful but if others are douches, rude, c..you..n..t's then guess what I love being a douche, I can seriously be rude (I am Irish & Italian good & bad mix) and I personally love that c..you..n..t word so call me it! = ) give me a little giggle. And the week will begin bright & early Monday morning so I will be tired, so bring it on = ) ah life will be grand taking care of myself & a HIGHLY select few. I will also be getting piss-drunk Monday night with the fabulous Jamie for St. Patrick's Day (we both work Tuesday) and I will be eager for a fight, so please bring it on! LoL I am such an angry woman, but only when my buttons are pushed. I forgive few & remember everything!
Now I just want to leave this blog with, I am not one of those cry-babies I mention oh so often, I am jsut proclaiming my dignity back & warming the world around me that it's war. I am extremely independent, take care of myself & a few others at the same time (none of which I have to, I care about them & want to), I try to help everyone & their mother whenever/however I can but it gets me no where but broke, aggrevated, & stressed to the max! So I give up, not in!! Have a peaceful weekend & be kind to others, who knows what kind of day they're having & what you'll get back & if it'll ruin your day! = ) cheese.
I just want to re-itterate I am a happy, good person but I am just a good person at her wit's end. A good person can only take so much crap before they break & I am near my breaking point & I can not break, I will not break so I will begin to give it back!! I am a Taurus, it's a bull, want the horns?? LoL ciao* Happy Saturday.
Love, funny lil word.
So I have calmed down since my earlier blog & am stumped. Love, what is it exactly? What does it entail? And is it possible to love more than once? Maybe it's the "wedding fever" that is going around or the fact that events are taking place around me are all in the love corner but I am puzzled. Can we love more than once? If not then why is that we all (including myself) use the word towards many people, of course excluding family members those people we have to love. LoL just kidding. But in all seriousness, what is love? And why is that in this day & age when we love someone it is the "way" to then get married, have children & basically change who you are & your entire life. I know that relationships take compromise, but think about it every relationship always has the one person that compromises more or gives more. May not be by much but it's always the case, inevitable. So of course my wondering mind I googled, 'what is love' and the website wikihow.com tells me
"How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?”
— Albert Einstein
Love is difficult to define. How do you avoid confusing it with infatuation or lust? Philosophers and psychologists both have attempted to define love, or at least its difference from infatuation and lust. If you are looking to find love, the following observations may be helpful.
Love is much more than a risk, but is a risk that one can take and grasp and fall into a dark abyss or dig oneself a hole and only crawl back when you overcome your emotions.
How can one truly define what love is? Not even an experienced person can truly grasp or explain love to it's truest and deepest meaning. Its concepts are just a never ending story of an open book of experiences. But love does lie in one's heart, where memories are but shadows lingering in your soul."
— Albert Einstein
Love is difficult to define. How do you avoid confusing it with infatuation or lust? Philosophers and psychologists both have attempted to define love, or at least its difference from infatuation and lust. If you are looking to find love, the following observations may be helpful.
Love is much more than a risk, but is a risk that one can take and grasp and fall into a dark abyss or dig oneself a hole and only crawl back when you overcome your emotions.
How can one truly define what love is? Not even an experienced person can truly grasp or explain love to it's truest and deepest meaning. Its concepts are just a never ending story of an open book of experiences. But love does lie in one's heart, where memories are but shadows lingering in your soul."
So that doesn't help me much. But I see so many couples who state they are "in love" and I ponder, some people seem absolutely perfect for each other while others & their relationships serious boggle my mind. I honestly feel you have your first love, usually as a kid you are infatuated with someone so much and then I believe in your person. I use the word person as the one person that fits you like a puzzle piece, almost a soul-mate or your true love. Someone that fits you so well there isn't much compromise, settling, or changing. But all of those are inevitable; compromise, settling (to an extent), change. But all of these people I speak of tell me when you find that person you just know. So, you feel you know you've found your person & everything is good except outside events/people. Why is that no matter how great everything/everyone is there is always an element from the outside of the relationship that makes you flip & flop back in forth to maybe this isn't it. And why is that there is always that outside element, usually a person is what makes such a huge impact because an event or two can be overcome easily, but a person who just won't go away or stop poking in just isn't as easy to get over.
I am not sure where I am going with this I am just rambling today I guess. I am just thinking, it's what I unfortunately do over-think everything, but I just wonder. I guess we just have to take it day by day & enjoy who we have & what we have today & hope things continue the way they're going (as long as they are positive things). I am off for the day, just going to continue to ponder. LoL any enlightenment please send it my way, maybe it's my age (again) that makes me ponder all of these things. Who knows., not me.
There's no place like Vegas
So this morning, well afternoon now & I can not get over the excitement of the fact that I am going to Vegas next month! Woot.Woot. My flight & hotel were just booked moments ago & I am jet-setting to Vegas to watch my dearest Val get married to the man of her dreams. I am jittery, excited & want to call & tell everyone, I am going to Vegas baby! LoL Everyone is coupled up to go & I am at the moment looking to be going alone, my beloved*'s work schedule has been completely altered & our entire lives are being turned upside down so we are not sure if he will make it so that I am a bit bummed about but I am just completely covered in smiles, happiness, & excitement. Not only am I going to Vegas, I am seeing my oldest/dearest friend Val get married, with her entire family, my second family. So I could not be more excited, watching everything from the beginning of the relationship ( i was there the night they 'technically' hooked up for the first time ) to the engagement, wedding shower & now the wedding I can not be more excited. But! ontop of all the excitement from the wedding the night before the wedding the "bachelorette night" we will be taking a class to learn how to be a stripper. LoL absolutely hilarious, we are told 'to wear comfy clothes (as to help us flex), bring a good attitude, big gorgeous smile, & they supply the beverages' LoL plus once we've "passed" the class, of course I will, we get a tee shirt, sash, & Val (being the bride-to-be) gets a video of the whole ordeal. ( there is no planned events of clothes coming off just moves being taught) then it's the wedding day & then it's Jen gambling, drinking time! Woot.Woot. I am so sorry I can not concentrate on anything besides all of this! I've been so tired of watching, hearing & seeing pictures of other peoples vacations & here I go on my own real, fabulous vacation plus my best friends wedding! Well if I settle down later & have something interesting on my mind I will be back, if not I will be in my own little world of blissfulness enjoying the fact that "i'm going to vegas, i'm going to vegas!"
Showers, Weddings & babies. oh my!
So it is not even spring yet here in Boston yet my world around me only has three things on their minds: showers, weddings, babies! And in that order. LoL none of which I am personally taking part in so my parents are on high alert! I have two near & dear friends who are moving up & out into the world with their men, future husbands, one of the two friends is even expecting a little one of their own. So the events around me aren't the mediocre events that take place everyday, I am seriously happy for them both with all of my heart & so proud that they were able to find the guys they were meant to be with & able to make it work. Lots of people now-a-days get so lazii even when it comes with the one you love, they just don't put the effort into anymore to make things work, nothing is always easy, smiles & laughs it's going to be hard sometimes & they pulled through whatever events/obstacles took place & are stilltogether. I guess because of the events that are taking place around me that is probably why my favorite song of the moment is:
Kings of Leon 'Use Somebody'
I've been roaming around
Always looking down at all I see
Painted faces, fill the places I cant reach
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you, And all you know, And how you speak
Countless lovers under cover of the street
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you
Off in the night, while you live it up, I'm off to sleep
Waging wars to shape the poet and the beat
I hope it's gonna make you notice
I hope it's gonna make you notice
Someone like me
Someone like me
Someone like me, somebody
Someone like you, somebody
Someone like you, somebody
Someone like you, somebody
I've been roaming around,
Always looking down at all I see
Always looking down at all I see
Painted faces, fill the places I cant reach
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you, And all you know, And how you speak
Countless lovers under cover of the street
You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you
Off in the night, while you live it up, I'm off to sleep
Waging wars to shape the poet and the beat
I hope it's gonna make you notice
I hope it's gonna make you notice
Someone like me
Someone like me
Someone like me, somebody
Someone like you, somebody
Someone like you, somebody
Someone like you, somebody
I've been roaming around,
Always looking down at all I see
It is a really good song when you hear it, the instruments that are in the background, the way they sing the song, it's just awesome I love it. But back to my ramble. While all of these events around me & looking back at who we each were in high school makes me wonder if everyone has a somebody. Boggles my mind sometimes. Everyone really could use a somebody. But enough of that mind wondering, over-thinking, always getting myself into trouble business and onto pictures! I have pictures from both Julie's wedding & Valerie's wedding shower. Both girls looked gorgeous, of course & I got pictures with both the bride & bride-to-be. Oh but the picture of Julie & I was taken by her, hot gay photographer (they're all gay!), and that will come soon! Enjoy! Happy Tuesday.
oh! and that's the hot gay photographer.

my beloved* & i.

julie & liz. sisters(twins)*

her mother did an amazing job with everything. that is val's chair.

athena & val. sisters*

mother & daughter.

best friends forever.

and valerie's second family. that's my mom*

Okay! I am doing another post today, don't do two posts in one day very often but Jamie is signing up for blog at this very moment! So excited!! I love blogspot.com & I recommend it to everyone, especially everyone I work with to vent & ranble I love blogging! So at this very moment my dear love Jamie is beginning her very own blogsite! Whoopie. She rocks, she is just like me in a lot of ways! Upbeat, perky, we sing together, dance, she is just awesome! And I can not wait to start seeing what she'll blog about & what she'll comment on mine! LoL is this horrible I have a serious addiction to blogspot.com? I think not! Yay Jamie!

No Smoking!
So today I am going to ramble on & on about smoking! I am a smoker! Haven't always been, and when I was much younger I would pick & pry at my mother, aunts, cousins, whomever I saw with a cigarette in their hand to not smoke & preach all there is to preach about why smoking is bad for you! And yes it is completely ironic & crazii that I am now a smoker myself, but shut up! I am LoL. So today two guests' (males) from Alabama check in with myself & Jamie (another smoker) and get really mad that we are a non-smoking property and they have to go in the freezing cold weather to have a cigarette. Now I try to explain to guests that come in, we are smokers so we feel their pain in going outside & freezing but we don't make the rules we just enforce them. Also, I've heard rumors that the city of Cambridge (a town on the other side of Boston) is enforcing people to only smoke in/on their property!! You will be ticketed for walking down the street, or hanging outside of a building & smoking a cigarette! Whether or not this is true this is completely insane! Cigarettes are legal! I can legally go & buy cigarettes at a number of places but I can not smoke them in certain places, or in certain cities!! That is insane! I mean I understand non-smokers don't want to have the cigarette smoke in their face while they are eating or drinking or even in my hotel room or house, neither do I. But now to shun us slowly out of society & into dark alleys (cause that will be the only place if that law goes thru we can smoke) or we're stuck in our houses. If they really didn't want people smoking & paying the taxes on these horrible, deadly cigarettes make them illegal! it's that simple.
What really blows my mind as while all of this is happening the laws for mariujana are being lowered? WTF! Seriously, mariujana is illegal! why are these laws being lowered? 'oh well if you get caught with an ounce or less the punishment is a slap on the wrists?' WTF. Okay, I personally am not a huge fan of mariujana but I couldn't care either way if mariujana was legal or not but I don't make the laws & now they are saying 'oh well shame on you but we want to limit the tax-payers expense accounts & not put them thru the long court process' 1. thank you as a tax payer for that & 2. fcuk you! as a smoking tax payer for that. I pay my taxes & pay taxes on cigarettes & I can not smoke my LEGAL cigarettes in certain cities, or places! that is absolutely insane. I am completely pissed off with this sh!t right now. UGH! Sorry fellow bloggers, but there are certain things that just iritate me! I am a smoker, yes! But I don't smoke in my house, in my hotel room, in my car when I have non-smokers in it, near children or groups of people who I know are bothered by it & I never blow it in a persons' face!! I honestly feel, for a smoker, I am seriously considerate of others & not discusting at all! So for me to accept this information, it is killing me! I am absolutely appauled, stunned & just furious. I feel that this is an attempt to make us cookie-cutters & making us all the same. Think about it, corporate America is giving people all these pills to make us 'happy, gitty & whatever', we can go certain places, do certain things & now we're being told what we can do & can't do with this with LEGAL items. BLAH! Well I am done with this rant for the moment. Have a fabulous Monday night & enjoy the snow, it's here & obviously winter isn't over.
What really blows my mind as while all of this is happening the laws for mariujana are being lowered? WTF! Seriously, mariujana is illegal! why are these laws being lowered? 'oh well if you get caught with an ounce or less the punishment is a slap on the wrists?' WTF. Okay, I personally am not a huge fan of mariujana but I couldn't care either way if mariujana was legal or not but I don't make the laws & now they are saying 'oh well shame on you but we want to limit the tax-payers expense accounts & not put them thru the long court process' 1. thank you as a tax payer for that & 2. fcuk you! as a smoking tax payer for that. I pay my taxes & pay taxes on cigarettes & I can not smoke my LEGAL cigarettes in certain cities, or places! that is absolutely insane. I am completely pissed off with this sh!t right now. UGH! Sorry fellow bloggers, but there are certain things that just iritate me! I am a smoker, yes! But I don't smoke in my house, in my hotel room, in my car when I have non-smokers in it, near children or groups of people who I know are bothered by it & I never blow it in a persons' face!! I honestly feel, for a smoker, I am seriously considerate of others & not discusting at all! So for me to accept this information, it is killing me! I am absolutely appauled, stunned & just furious. I feel that this is an attempt to make us cookie-cutters & making us all the same. Think about it, corporate America is giving people all these pills to make us 'happy, gitty & whatever', we can go certain places, do certain things & now we're being told what we can do & can't do with this with LEGAL items. BLAH! Well I am done with this rant for the moment. Have a fabulous Monday night & enjoy the snow, it's here & obviously winter isn't over.
sunday! Sunday! SUNDAY!
I am jumping on the "post secret" bandwagon. (( being that bored at work, I need something to do right now )) So this week, next week are insane for me. We are missing a person here at work & just having a person poof into thin air we have a lot of shifts to cover so I am doing a bunch as well a few other girls here. So please excuse my absence. But here are my favorite post secrets.
Silver lining right Kaiti? LoL it's a love letter personalized to me!



That is all for today. Not much to say; been working, sleeping, hanging with my beloved* whenever we get the time together & oh wait! I did go to my friend Val's wedding shower & that was lots of fun! Insane, two friends getting married this year wow! Who's next?
So today was a very hectic day at work; lots of phone calls, walk-ins, meetings, we had corporate people in house, and the of course typical things going on LoL. After a long day & before an even longer day ahead of me tomorrow, I am spending time with the family & friends. We were lucky to have our friends' lil baby girl Little Miss Rileigh Marie* over, she is now one years old & just the most adorable, smart & precious little girl since . . .me! LoL but seriously snatches my heart up everytime I see her. And I honestly started to think (( it's what I always do )) all the kids that I've babysit, friends kids, cousins/family members kids I've come to love so dearly as these adorable, precious, little snuggle-bugs are growing up on me!! WHY!! LoL and I am dying for some more little snuggle-bugs in my life, someone have some kids LoL and I realized we all do grow up & I know (( kinda sorta not really )) get what my parents were always saying, but now that I've practiced & practiced with the babysitting gig maybe it's my turn?! LoL someday?! But being as exhausted as I am I just snagged some photos of some of my favorite lilttle snuggle-bugs as they've grown up on me. I am not sure but all of them (( some not pictured )) are absolutely!! How are all of these people so lucky to have such cute kids? I better be so lucky. Well Happy Hump Day has come & gone, ciao* fellow bloggers tomorrow is one more day to Friday.
all my cousins.
lil john, kyler, max & my emma*
American Dreamin'
So I am sitting here on a Tuesday evening enjoying the company of mother, the two (( dumb )) dogs, the cat & TiVO!! WaHaHa. I had a fabulous weekend with my beloved*, Mohegan Sun & Aaron Lewis. Unfortunately, I did not win anything but nor did I lose anything big but my beloved* won a few bucks nothing to get all crazii over but was cool. Aaron Lewis, who I've never seen, was awesome! He was hilarious, had a wonderful voice & just rocked. Mohegan Sun was crowded from the concert but I had a blast even tho my babes got really sick after the concert & I did some gambling on my own, fyi. I may have a small gambling problem!! Hmm. LoL
But sitting here hanging with my mom, at my parents house I am just pondering life. We are raised by two (( usually )) adults filled with love, hope & lots of dreams for their little ones, they try their hardest to fill us with as much knowledge, integrity, common-sense, & respect for others, so what happens along the way with some of us? Why are some of us horrid people? Seems like some of us are out only for the negative points in life, like to see others drown in sorrow & misery, or why is it that some of us seem to just be miserible? I understand (( trust me I do )) the fact that life is a negative, mean, horrid place sometimes but there are a lot of great things going on, and silver linings to everything! The American Economy is horrible; we all know that, people are being cut, hours being reduced, jobs are just vanishing into thin air, places are closing down completely, it's a very obvious thing!! But why is that some people b!tch & moan about the fact that because such & such got cut they have more work now "life is so mean, tough" how do you think the person who was just let-go & has no job, income, complete life has just turned upside in one statement feel!? Hhhm. Why is the people who don't b!tch about their jobs; don't go in, call out continuously, go in late, leave early & they get by on the chopping block? I don't have any answers for any of my questions. I don't have any clue why people are the way they are, I thought we all grew up with parents with 'the American dream' & tried at least to enstill this 'American dream' in us, and do good for not only ourselves but for our neighbors. Maybe I was wrong, maybe everyone is out for themselves, the easy solution or 'fix-it', and just want their cake & to eat it too. Maybe I am on the wrong side of the fence here.
I am not sure where I went with this, or if I made much sense. I am just being surronded by a bunch of lazii, cry-baby, leaches who get away scott-free & others who bust their butts for their lives, jobs & family and lose? But the events taking place near & around me, things I see/hear on the news are driving me insane. I really hope for this horrible economy to begin to take a turn for the better soon! Well enjoy this fabulous week, it is only Tuesday but then again it's already Tuesday. Happy 21st Kassi!! Ciao* fellow bloggers.
But sitting here hanging with my mom, at my parents house I am just pondering life. We are raised by two (( usually )) adults filled with love, hope & lots of dreams for their little ones, they try their hardest to fill us with as much knowledge, integrity, common-sense, & respect for others, so what happens along the way with some of us? Why are some of us horrid people? Seems like some of us are out only for the negative points in life, like to see others drown in sorrow & misery, or why is it that some of us seem to just be miserible? I understand (( trust me I do )) the fact that life is a negative, mean, horrid place sometimes but there are a lot of great things going on, and silver linings to everything! The American Economy is horrible; we all know that, people are being cut, hours being reduced, jobs are just vanishing into thin air, places are closing down completely, it's a very obvious thing!! But why is that some people b!tch & moan about the fact that because such & such got cut they have more work now "life is so mean, tough" how do you think the person who was just let-go & has no job, income, complete life has just turned upside in one statement feel!? Hhhm. Why is the people who don't b!tch about their jobs; don't go in, call out continuously, go in late, leave early & they get by on the chopping block? I don't have any answers for any of my questions. I don't have any clue why people are the way they are, I thought we all grew up with parents with 'the American dream' & tried at least to enstill this 'American dream' in us, and do good for not only ourselves but for our neighbors. Maybe I was wrong, maybe everyone is out for themselves, the easy solution or 'fix-it', and just want their cake & to eat it too. Maybe I am on the wrong side of the fence here.
I am not sure where I went with this, or if I made much sense. I am just being surronded by a bunch of lazii, cry-baby, leaches who get away scott-free & others who bust their butts for their lives, jobs & family and lose? But the events taking place near & around me, things I see/hear on the news are driving me insane. I really hope for this horrible economy to begin to take a turn for the better soon! Well enjoy this fabulous week, it is only Tuesday but then again it's already Tuesday. Happy 21st Kassi!! Ciao* fellow bloggers.
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