
Mile a Minute

I am so sorry I have been neglecting you my dear blog! But unfortunately this will not be a "real" post tonight. My mind is all over the place big week this week; and I don't mean big in a good way altho some items/events have been good overall it's been a glum week. Young person I know has passed away, two near/dear people to me are having serious issues with some serious issues (not my stories to tell), I also have friends with weddings coming very fast, babies on their ways just lots going on at the moment. We did replace the girl that went MiA here at work but the whole re-training process (we hired back a girl who was laid-off) is draining. Plus we are starting to get busy (yay*) so getting things ready for these guests, groups, corporate accounts & crews coming in beginning next month is kicking my ace & all I want to do when I am not here is sleep or just relax with my feet up. I do! Have good news, well no details at this time but some very exciting news is to come very soon. Lots of my loved ones have exciting things going on & the second I have time to sit & concentrate on their stories (that I can share) I will be all over it. Until later in the week my fellow bloggers & beloved blog! Ciao*


jayme1285 said...

I too have been slacking. Yay to the replacement though :) love her! I'm sorry about your friend too. We need to have a nice relaxing night of drinks soon!

Jennie La* said...
