
This is War.

I feel that it is literally the world against me, I have been working insane amounts of hours (due to the girl just disappearing one day during her shift), not seeing my beloved* (therefor not getting my love & affection), not sleeping well at all, lots of crap on my mind & just tired of dealing with a bunch of big cry-babys all over the place. I have decided that I will not partake in being the "bigger person" any longer. I will give snide comments back, quick zingers, & just overall give me crap & you're getting it right back. I am exhausted, over-worked, under-paid & dealing with a bunch of crapasses everywhere I turn so you want to play these games they are coming right back to you! = ) that makes me happy. I have been the "bigger person" my entire life, my parents have enstilled in me the bullcrap "treat others how you want to be treated" and "two rights don't make a wrong" but you know what, those don't work either! Why be nice, respectful, & just overall a good person if it gets you nowhere? This "karma" business I have believed in my entire life is crap too! I do all these good things, take crap from others & do things for others but I get nothing back, no recognition of anything just get crap piled ontop of crap! Nice. So I am throwing all of that out the window, I am going to take care of myself! Literally myself from thus forward & I will give back to those who give to me. AH! It feels good to proclaim my independence & self-dignity back.

So I guess this week coming up will be the week of me. I begin my training to get in shape & prepared for the 60-mile, 3-day Breast Cancer walk & now I am doing right by me! Ah, the things I will feel better about doing. I mean I am not going to be spiteful or vengeful but if others are douches, rude, c..you..n..t's then guess what I love being a douche, I can seriously be rude (I am Irish & Italian good & bad mix) and I personally love that c..you..n..t word so call me it! = ) give me a little giggle. And the week will begin bright & early Monday morning so I will be tired, so bring it on = ) ah life will be grand taking care of myself & a HIGHLY select few. I will also be getting piss-drunk Monday night with the fabulous Jamie for St. Patrick's Day (we both work Tuesday) and I will be eager for a fight, so please bring it on! LoL I am such an angry woman, but only when my buttons are pushed. I forgive few & remember everything!

Now I just want to leave this blog with, I am not one of those cry-babies I mention oh so often, I am jsut proclaiming my dignity back & warming the world around me that it's war. I am extremely independent, take care of myself & a few others at the same time (none of which I have to, I care about them & want to), I try to help everyone & their mother whenever/however I can but it gets me no where but broke, aggrevated, & stressed to the max! So I give up, not in!! Have a peaceful weekend & be kind to others, who knows what kind of day they're having & what you'll get back & if it'll ruin your day! = ) cheese.

I just want to re-itterate I am a happy, good person but I am just a good person at her wit's end. A good person can only take so much crap before they break & I am near my breaking point & I can not break, I will not break so I will begin to give it back!! I am a Taurus, it's a bull, want the horns?? LoL ciao* Happy Saturday.

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