
Not Sure What to Say

Happy Monday! Took a lot for me to get myself to say that, I had probably the worst weekend in a really long time. Worked it all, literally double shifts, back to back shifts & spent almost my entire weekend at or on my way to work! Fabulous. On top of that got a lot of bad news about people I know & care about! Even better. Can't really complain about work because even tho I was there I was with the weekend crew, who rock, and did enjoy most of it (last night was horrible) but I had Jamie by my side! thank god. But this morning I was to begin my training for my 60-mile, 3-a-day walk and that was a bust. Postponed until next week, with all of the exhaustion from working 60+ hours and having to get up at 7a with my beloved* & Aidan after only four or so hours of sleep I said screw that. 
But today I want to focus on narcotics! Why do people use them, I understand some they are fun, exciting & whatever but why the ones that we all know can kill you in an instant?! I can't grasp my mind around that, let me get high for a little bit only to possibly croke afterwards?! I looked up the definition of narcotics and http://www.streetdrugs.org/narcotics.htm tells me that narcotics are "drugs that alleviate physical pain, suppres coughing, alleviate diarrhe, and induce anesthesia. Natural narcotics are derived from the Opium poppy & synthetic narcotics are made to act like the major constituents of Opium (thebaine, morphine, codeine). Legal, synthetic narcotics such as OxyContin (oxycodone) and Vicodin (hydrocodone) are prescribed as pain-relievers but are often diverted for illegitimate uses. Heroin is an illegal narcotic, derived from morphine." Myself, along with people I know, love & care for are dealing with a lot of (lack of a better word) crap with people & narcotics. I just can't grasp my mind around why people do these things, and everyone says "oh well i smoke weed & it leads to other things" that is complete & utter bullsh!t. Weed isn't like any other drug, there's no need to "step-up" with weed, maybe a different form or what-not but "step-up" from something that there is nothing else out there like?! Okay buddy, complete bullsh!t. Now I only know this from people who know people that do these things, luckily even tho living where I did during my youth I never was caught up in this "group" but I guess Heroin users usually start with OC's or Oxycodone pills and those get too expensive because their tolerance builds up & needs more to get the same high & it's cheaper as Heroin okay that I can understand & grasp my mind around, I guess. And I was reading on http://psych.med.nyu.edu/conditions-we-treat/conditions/narcotic-abuse that the narcotic abuse begins either in that exact way or a patient takes a perscription painkiller too often or for too long a period of time & the body builds up a tolerance for the drug, the user feels they neeed more of the drug & becomes dependent! Fabulous. So the meds the doctors give me for whatever reason we need them for we could possibly become dependent on! Great news.  The same website then also says that there are treatment options to come off of these drugs & not feel the " I need that drug " anymore. 
With all of this information it is not helping me any. I mean, OxyCodone is a legal drug people need for pain, so who the hell came up with Heroin! It is illegal! Where the hell did it come from & why the hell did they need to sell it to people?! Got my answer! http://wiki.ansers.com/Q/what_country_did_heroin_originate_from tells me that "heroin is derived from opium, which has historically come from Afghanistan (and continues to mainly come from there) Heroin itself was first synthesized in 1874 by an English chemist and was later marketed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, a German company. It was advertised as a safe, no-addictive alternative to morphine, and was so named because it made the user feel 'heroic'." 
So glad that the people from the 1800s felt they knew so much about so much that they advertised this bullsh!t as "non-addictive, safe alternative" I am not sure where I am going with any of this or what even I am trying to get across with all of these words & phrases. I guess I am just looking for answers for myself as to why these things happen to people, and good people. Why get yourself caught up in this crap, but now I see it's not always their faults (per say). Life is absolutely insane, the things it puts people thru, let's happen & the events that take place. Maybe life is the hell & once you've died you go to Heaven because we've been thru all of the crap here on hell?! I am not sure what I believe in anymore, altho I haven't in a long time. I guess that is all for today, please love the people around you & do your best to take care of them because life is so precious & could be gone in a moments time.


Miss Kolleen said...

i've done my fair share of drugs and i'm not proud of it, and i've lost my fair share of people to drugs and have had relationships been strained because of drugs-- it's just not worth it in the long run.

Jennie La* said...

i just don't understand it. i lost someone this weekend to it & i have another battling with it & i want to help them but i don't know how. how do you help someone who really feels they need & probably now does need them?! such a horrible horrible situation i hate it.

Miss Kolleen said...

Unfortunately you can't help those who don't want help, and usually they have to hit a bottom before they want that help, if ever. The allure of drugs is the ability to squash any pain you're feeling. I know that my intense inner pain, coupled with the drugs' ability to help me lose and keep weight off, was the main reason for me to use them, instead of just facing what was really bothering me.

jayme1285 said...

Thank god you never got involved in it Jennie La! I'm proud of you and you remind me so much of myself in a way. Living in Revere and having it all around and saying no is hard, but I never felt the need to do it, much like yourself. I've seen what it does and you are right it's not something you can understand why they do it and it's hard not being able to help. I'm just hoping our friend battling it gets through it. Once again I am sorry for your friend who passed.