

So I have been observing a theme going on here in the blog world, weddings! Is everyone getting married or just into the whole 'let's look just in case' thing? I personally know about . . .5 or 6 women getting married! Insanity, that is a large number of women, that's not including about 3 that I know of but can't stand the females so I don't count them LoL. But it seems like the entire female race has wedding on the brain & to a serious level?! What is going on ladies? Two summers ago most of us were single, running around til all hours of the nights, just having a blast! Now we're in serious relationships, moving in together, getting married, having kids (I am guilty for some of them being the first 2) and for those of us still 'on the market' they're just hanging with guy after guy not really enjoying being single. I wonder if we jump into trends with men as we do with clothes, hair styles, etc.?! Hmm. Maybe that is so, I personally was the first in my little 'click' I had back then to jump into a relationship, then another girl did and then a third girl got 'as serious' as she'll get with a guy & then my last girlfriend's husband came home & they're in the love lala land. So is it a trend? Do we just hurd like cattle to the next 'big thing'? Seems that weddings & children always happen in bundles. I personally have two weddings I'm in in the next 3 months! Nevermind the other 2 I will be attending & then of course there are those we don't speak of LoL and I know of another getting married, don't care either way to be invited or not and then I know about 3 women who are pregnant?! What is our deal ladies? Can we literally do nothing alone? We do our makeups & 'getting ready' episodes together, pee together, dance in large groups (hello! we are family does every female not run to the dance floor) just funny observation I've made today. Everyone's scoping out the "Spring 2009 wedding" crap (I mean crap in the nicest way) but I honestly wonder about us. Can we do anything alone? I mean has anyone seen the new Bride Wars movie? That is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, adorable movie I don't know if I'd tell someone to see it in the theatre but def a rental! Best friends doing everything together. Maybe it's better to do things together but isn't that what a Maid Of Honor & hello! the groom are for?! I don't know? LoL I just had nothing really to talk about this morning, I just observed a lot of wedding, wedding gowns, theme talk this morning & last night on this blog & all other internet websites & just wondering about questions. Told you I was a girl of millions of questions! LoL I have a lot of them, my beloved* sometimes asks me if I am a 5 yr old, the whole 'but why, but why' I don't do the why's but have a million questions about a million things. LoL Boy is he in for it! Well happy Thursday fellow bloggers! One more day until the "work week" is over, mind ends Saturday at 11p

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