
Old Wives Tales

So due to the fact that work is utterly boring & highly stressful today I am taking myself out of this craziiness that surronds me & focusing my blog today on Old Wives Tales! All of those silly stories, ideas our mothers, aunts, uncles, whomever used to tell us that we could sometimes catch instantly as a crazii story or we had to stratch our heads and wonder about for a bit.

At snopes.com there are a number of them & they are color coated as whether true, false, undetermined, or unclassifiable. So here are a few that I found interesting myself, all are which false! Thanks for lying to the poor guilliable kids! Of course we believed you.
  • Hair grows back thicker or darker after it has been shaved!
  • Swimming less than one hour after eating will result in cramping & potential drowning.
  • If you blow out all of the candles on your birthday cake in one breath your wish will come true.
  • If you say goodbye to a friend on a bridge, you will never see that friend again.
  • If the first butterfly you see all year is white, you will have good luck all year.
  • Step on the crack you'll break your mothers' back!
  • If your right ear rings, someone is speaking well of you, if your left ear rings, someone is speaking ill of you.
  • If an eyelash falls onto your face take it off of your face, close your eyes, make a wish & blow the eyelash. If the eyelash is gone after blowing onto your hand your wish will be granted.
  • Friday the 13th is bad luck!
  • Hold your breath while passing a cemetary.
  • A girl standing understand mistletoe must kiss anyone who has asked or also standing underneath.
  • Unless born in October, it is unlucky to wear opals.
  • Carry a rabbit's foot in your pocket it should protect you fromt bad luck.
  • Break a mirror it brings your seven years of bad luck.
  • If you bite your tongue while eating, means you've recently told a lie.
  • Knock on wood three times after mentioning good fortunes & twice for bad ones.
  • When pulling apart a wishbone (from turkey or chicken) make a wish then pull, whomever recieves the larger piece of the wishbone gets their wish granted!

Hilarious! I personally love all those silly stories our parents' & elders' used to tell us & we all of course believed every word that came out of their mouth usually in amazement that some of these things were real, making a wish by blowing out candles or an eyelash off your hand. Awe if these things were possible. But I am off to check out another website I snagged some of that information from http://www.corsinet.com/ to learn about dreams & their meanings! Happy Wednesday.

1 comment:

Miss Kolleen said...

the best is that wet hair will give you a cold-- when actually, viruses will. silly old moms!

get back to blogging missy!