Okay. So yesterday the tree was a serious bust! My beloved*, Aidan & I get all of the decorations out, pull the pieces of the tree out & start putting everything together & boom! I grabbed the wrong stand from my parent's hosue & it's for a real tree. LoL So after about 10 minutes of laughter my beloved* tries & jimmy something together to get the damn thing to stand straight! Okay so he figures that out, we make the tree look all perdy & as real as it'll get, put it in it's place in the living room & Aidan gets all excited cause it's time to plug the bad boy in, & boom! nothing! NONE OF THE DAMN LIGHTS WILL LIGHT! ARG! I immediately started screaming lyrics of the 12 Pains of Christmas Song and my beloved* laughs at me cause it was just hilarious. So he takes them all off tries & figures them out, they're fcuking dead! Okay, thank you mom & dad for being so lazii and just throwing the damn tree downstairs with the lights on it and all! Boo. Just kidding, I probably would have done the same thing LoL but the damn lights are dead & all they need to do in life is light and they can't even do that! Boo.
But that frustration died quickly because Aidan got over it really quick, & my beloved* & I had other things to worry about as in; cleaning our apartment, getting Aidan ready to go back to his momma's, getting things together to get our new fun comfy couch and then of course dinner! Lots to do yesterday! But we got it all done & my beloved* even got a nap in (somehow) and we ended our long, extremely productive day with milk & cookies & the Santa Claus Is Coming to Town movie! OOoOoO! And also we watched the UFC Fight for the Troops! We love UFC fighting, it's one of our things we bond over LoL But in the holiday spirit I'm in & the hilariousness of the song, here are the lyrics to the Bob Rivers song 12 Pains of Christmas!
The first thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Is finding a Christmas tree
The second thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:Rigging up the lightsAnd finding a Christmas tree
The third thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree
The fourth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree
The fifth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Five months of bills! Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree
The sixth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Oh, I hate those Christmas cards! Hangovers Rigging up these lights! And finding a Christmas tree
The seventh thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:The Salvation Army Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Sending Christmas cards Oh, geez!I'm tryin' to rig up these lights! And finding a Christmas tree
The eighth thing at Christmas that such a pain to me:I WANNA TRANSFORMER FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! Charities, And whataya mean "YOUR in-laws"?!? Five months of bills! Ach, making out these cards Honey, get me a beer, huh? What, we have no extension cords?!?And finding a Christmas tree
The ninth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to meFinding parking spaces DADDY, I WANT SOME CANDY!!!! Donations! Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Writing out those Christmas cardsHangovers! Now why the hell are they blinking?!?!?And finding a Christmas tree
The tenth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:"Batteries Not Included"No parking spacesBUY ME SOMETHIN'!!!Get a job, ya bum!Facing my in-laws!Five months of bills!Yo-ho, sending Christmas cardsOh, geez, look at this!One light goes out, they ALL go out!!!And finding a Christmas tree
The eleventh thing of Christmas that's such a pain to me: Stale TV specials "Batteries Not Included" No parking spaces DAD, I GOTTA GO TA BATHROOM!! Charities! She's a witch...I hate her! Five months of bills! Oh, I don't even KNOW half these people! Oh, who's got the toilet paper, huh? Get a flashlight...I blew a fuse!! And finding a Christmas tree Singing Christmas carols Stale TV specials "Batteries Not Included "No parking?!?WAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAAAH! Charities! Gotta make 'em dinner! Five months of bills! I'm not sendin' them this year, that's it! Shut up, you! FINE! YOU'RE SO SMART, YOU RIG UP THE LIGHTS!!! And finding a Christmas tree