
Frustrating Day

Okay! So TGiF THANK THE LORD! And it's a busy day here at the hotel; lots of paperwork to be done before the weekend, schedules to be posted, budgets & money items to get done, just a lot of things to get done! So I come in with a good nights, actually ate breakfast for once, got a fabulous coffee to energize myself for the day, just in overall good spirits today! Get here and it's craziiness! Paperwork everywhere, schedule is a mess lots of people want the same day off for our Christmas party here at work, flights delayed due to the ice storm we had last night just complete craziiness, but I'm good I'm ready I knew it would be this way today! I wasn't expecting someone I thought was my friend getting bent in shape over one day they couldn't have off, yes I'm sorry you do everything for us & we should be able to give it to you off, but we're down people here in our department myself & another supervisor are working 6 shifts in the matter of 5 days & no complaining, and you're mad cause you can't get one day off! Seriously. There was nothing we could do, we seriously tried! This person works their butt off for us & we really did try, I was even going to do a double & let them have their night off but then they went had their significant other call & harrass my boss! SERIOUSLY. Unneccessary! Not only did my boss get harrassed but all of my dirty laundry between myself & a few girls I HAD issues with that I thought were cleared up which obviously are not were spilled to my boss! WTF. Are we twleve? Because your person is unhappy you got to try & make anyone else unhappy you can? Whatever! That! is exactly why I have limited myself to these people, because I am at a place in my life where I am over the drama, over the he/she said bullcrap, drinking every night til I'm completely shitfaced & just done. I am only 23 years old but I did it all, I want to move on to new places & do new things, I've been traveling for work, seeing the world on someone elses' dollar, bettering myself in my career & found a man who loves me as much as I love him why is this so bad that people are resenting me for it? Ugh. Ontop of all this crap my family is having medical issues, there is still no heat/hot water at my apartment & I just have had enough of today! So I don't mean to bitch & moan in this blog but I have such a frustrating day today I just can't believe the events that have taken place today. Well, fellow bloggers tomorrow is Saturday which means a fabulous day off, crafts & good food with the kids, and beverages with two of my favorite ladies. Have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

Miss Kolleen said...

luckily, we got our power back at about noon, because we're on the same grid as the police station!