
Common Sense

So between last night & this morning there have been many (nothing big or spectacular) events that have just eerked me so that I am like, 'where the hell are these people coming from? what are they thinking when they do these thing?' Is the human race born with common sense? If you go to dictionary.com the definition of common sense is as follows,

'common sense 
sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.'
or another definition is,
'common sense n. Sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment'

So my question to you is, if there is no 'specialized knowledge' or 'training, or the like; normal native intelligence' are we ALL born with common sense? Some people just are mind boggling to me. How do you get thru your day to day life if you can't even get thru a sentence, make smart (should be easy) decisions. I mean I understand we all have an 'off-day' but seriously?! You've been doing the same thing everyday for 5+ years and you make a stupid ass mistake two days in a row! Seriously. UGH! And then. . you say you want to 'be friends' yet pull some low bullsh!t and somehow feel we're friends? Seriously, what the hell are you smoking? Maybe if you share we'll both get it & could potentially be friends. I vowed for 2009 to be positive, upbeat & try my best to see the silver lining but the events between last night & this morning have just side swiped me. Even people in my "circle" are stunning me, why does most of society say one thing yet do another? We all are guilty of it, def including me. But seriously why is it that it's a brand new year, why can't we bring in new things? Say what you mean mean what you say, don't do hurtful things whether you think it will be or not, I imagine if you used that thing called common sense & thought about it for a second you'd realize it. I am just so tired of doing for others & having nothing done for me. I understand you're not suppose to do things to get things in return but at least some courtesy, respect or just overall acknowledgement would be nice! fawk. But that is all for today, I may be so bitter this morning due to my horrbile sleeping habits this week, have had barely any sleep any night this week. And tonight I am getting my hair done, and relaxing! Something I rarely do but 2009 is all about changing for the positive. So I hope to be ready for the exciting weekend coming up, more on that tomorrow!


dp said...

I too have pondered over issues with people and "common sense".

I dont; beleive that we are born with common sense. I think we learn common sense as a result of our general environment. There is no specialized training, but it does require certain levels of general guidance and self taugh lessons.

My personal opinion is that in our day and age, we have started to teach members of our society that common sense is no longer needed. Either people are being coddled to the point where they never have to learn consequences, or they are being assisted to place the balme for their lack of sense on someone else, and consequently are rewarded with cash settlements.

I find it rather sad, and also find it growing more abundant every day.

Jennie La* said...

ah dp. such great insight.
the human society is really less & less appealing everyday & so sad as well.