
Day # 2.

So it is November 2nd which means it is now day no 2 in the "National Blog Posting Month" but I love using the acronym NaBloPoMo! LoL So today was a very . . typical Sunday for me. Got up late, went food shopping, hung with my beloved*, picked up the lil man Aidan, where we hung out with my parents had some yummy turkey dinner & now I am back home. Hanging with Kim, Aidan & Lilly waiting for my beloved* to come back home to me & snuggle so during that time I figured I would blog, seeing as how I am going to be persistent & accomplish my goal of doing this blogging everyday during the month of November. On the 30 minute ride from Methuen to my parents house in Malden Aidan & I chatted a lot, he was very upbeat & full of energy today. We chatted about Halloween, and how his mom was getting married next Halloween & it was going to be an even bigger Halloween than normal, and it will be very exciting! We discussed what we wanted to write in our Santa letters, and how we both decided we wanted the fabulous Wii for Christmas. We also sang some fabulous songs, he is a real rocker! Then upon our arrival we had two dogs, a cat, a crazii old man, goofy old lady & tall "pinhead" to welcome us. Aidan loving horror, was full of excitement for the pinhead mask & had to have it on immediately! Then my father, Dutch (the pitbull), myself & Aidan went to the park and spent at least an hour there, where Aidan made a cute little friend Amanda! Absolutely adorable she was, and they had a blast but of course all good things much come to an end and we went home. Then we had a fabulous turkey dinner & the boys played around and we came home, and here we are. Blogging to meet the quota of at least 30, being 30 days in November & I will meet it, oh yes I will! But my beloved* James Steven is home & I need/want my attention & I am off, technically whether this blog was rather interesting or not I blogged today & I will be back tomorrow, maybe with some more interesting news, just an update of my day or just some random rants & rave who knows! Until then fellow bloggers, until then.

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