
November 4 :: Election Day, Blog No 4

So the Halloween Pictures are here, just a select few, ones Val posted, ones from my mother & mine camera yet to come . . but enjoy these ones!

val & i . . cute lil indian

mom & i

maria! & i . . hello pebbles, missed u

my favorite pebbles & indian around.

rileigh marie*

So today is Election Day, go and vote! Whether your liberal, a Democrat or a Repulician doesn't matter just got to rock your vote today. If you are using the "I don't care" or "I don't know enough information about the canidates or issues" go to any radio station or tv station website & get a quick info session, I know that Wbcn has a quick info session, that I myself personally looked at and got a lot of information about the issues & canidates & it helped me out. So right now go to any tv or radio website get some quick info & on your lunch hour grab a hoagie or a favorite book & get in a line in your city at any school & vote! Won't kill you to stand in line, the weather here in Boston is gorgeous & if you have a book or sandwich to eat you'll be fine, or go with a friend from your place of work.
Also another random topic, the fabulous Olsen twins (MK & Ashley) have new books coming out, Influence real soon. They have a blogsite where you can go on & actually try and win signed copies of their books, which I am very excited about & seriously anticipating it's arrival. So go onto that website while you're on the internet learning up on the issues & enter to win, after you enter to win for yourself you can include 5 friends, include me!
That is the link to their blog where you can do this! If you personally don't like the Olsen twins (which I just found out many do not, but whatever you're entilted to your opinion) I am and that could be a rockin free gift for me at Christmas. Cost you nothing & it's signed by the fabulous twosome, what a great gift! LoL But I think that will be all for today, yay blog posting no. 4 so far I am doing fabulously with this NaBloPoMo, sorry some of these blogs are not rather interesting but I will succeed with this task before me, but tomorrow may be rather more interesting. I am off from work, got a doctor appointment then a whole lot of sitting on my behind so I will find something highly interesting to blog about tomorrow.
Until then fellow bloggers, rock your vote!


Miss Kolleen said...

i love MK&A, and i hate politiks.

Jennie La* said...

LoL i tried to get kim to by MK's book & i'd buy Ashley's and we'd share, she said no she hates them. what do you think??? huh huh