
First Day of the New

So today is November 5th, first day of the new :: Mr. Obama is going to be the 44th President of USA & I am so excited, last night was absolutely horrible for me (will go into more details about that in a bit) but all I kept asking was updates on the election & saying "after all of this bullsh!t Obama better win" Yes I voted for the fabulous Obama! But I am praying that he can fix some things that need some major attention & fixin'. January 2009 is going to be the beginning of what I think is going to be a great year, the economy & whole spirit of USA is down and there is only one place to go, up! Also, my beloved* & I have lots of plans for us that should begin next year & hopefully begin moving (not literally moving but moving in the direction towards being done). Also, two of my dearest/longest friends are both getting married! To fabulous men that I know will not only love, take care & honor them but are great guys and I actually like them a lot, so I am extremely excited for those coming up plus I am in both weddings! Yay for me, and also eek for me, my dearest friend Julie has made me her maid of honor, which I am completely stoked/terrified of being, I am afraid of being the worst maid of honor but I know me and I know I will do great! LoL But one wedding if here or a destination wedding she isn't definite on either, but Julie's wedding is a destination wedding and seeing as how my beloved* & I want to go on a real vacation this year going to her wedding will kill two birds in one stone. I, for some crazii reason, can not remember exactly where we're going but it's somewhere in the Caribbean and I have never been and I am so excited. The Caribbean, my beloved*, my dearest friend, her wedding & lots of drinks, sun & fun what is there not to be excited for? LoL
But last night, was the worst night ever! My beloved* and mother pretty much forced me to go to the ER last night, which turned out to be a fabulous idea but it was horrible. I was in a crazii amount of pain, the were doing horrible tests which was absolutely horrible, hello! already in pain and then you're poking & primping the area that hurts! hello, please stop or give me meds! Which in fact I got morphine & some trepamean crap that was great! LoL (fyi I am absolutely hilarious on a morphine high, lots of fun after I got that IV) but before that I was a nightmare, at one point James Steven asked me if I was going to shoot firebreath out at the nurse? LoL yeah I am highly intense when put in a hospital, poked with needles, and poked with all those other instruments of "torture" but I am a million times better today & feeling absolutely great, put on "couch" or "bed rest" for the next few days, which for those who know me is going to be seriously difficult, I have no idea how to relax, de-stress, or just sit for a moment. But my beloved* is monitoring what I am doing at all times, LoL, and I am seriously nothing! LoL So that is all for today, I am going to put my butt back on the couch and catch up on our shows! Gotta love Jen & James Steven time, I know I do!! Until tomorrow fellow bloggers, here's looking to the First Day of the New! Go Obama & 2009.

1 comment:

Miss Kolleen said...

aww bed rest, if you need anything my mornings are free and i make a mean cup of tea :)