

So I am putting the debate on hold for a few hours in hopes for some clearity on a topic. I understand we as people change, multiple times in our life but sometimes is a change such a bad thing that "friends" just pretty much abandon you? Seriously. So you go through a "rough patch" drinking all the time, partying the days & weeks away and you spend all of your hard earned money on drinks & getting into clubs, and then you find someone. Not just anyone but someone who has completely changed your views & outlook on life as a whole. You are now into the spending quality time, looking towards the future, finally move out of your parents house (which you were hell bent on never leaving), and basically just acting more of an adult. But certain people that you thought were friends completely get fed up with this 'change' and just slowing cut off all ties & contact, until nothing! Now I understand friends get distant, we live different lives, have people in our lives we would prefer to spend more time with but to ask someone to join in on something then completely never mention it again & then blame you! for bailing & never hanging out is that neccessary? Now I may be young, naive or just plain stupid when it comes to 'friends' but wouldn't they be happy for me? I am not in that horrible cycle anymore, actually enjoying life, more positive & unbeat, and just overall happy! Why can't people be happy for you? I understand misery loves company, but when these people seem to be happy as well why can't they celebrate in the happiness for everyone not just themselves? I am honestly stunned & don't know what to even try & say at this point. At first I thought it was me, being cold & distant (everyone does it when a relationship is new, they want to spend all their free time with their new signifcant other) but I tried!! I honestly did, I called, texted just checked up on everyone & I got snubbed, attitudes & completely dissed out of things I was told about & told to 'have that night off' so I honestly & sadly gave up. I was just wondering, is this an issue many of us deal with? Or is it just something that you learn over time, certain people will just always suck & not be cool with 'change'. I mean I did at first, yes, distant myself wrap myself up with nothing but my beloved* but I tried to stop it, and I saw my friend Val once a week (at least) we did a girls night, or went someone where and did something together. But the others, yes all of our lives are busy just didn't seem to care or make any effort?! And now I am finding friends in the oddest places, (NO OFFENSE TO ANY OF THESE PEOPLE MENTIONED JUST ODD) the lovely Lisa has been there for me when I have had 'bad days' & she is just overall amazing, this guy Patrick I work with is always asking how I am, the family & my beloved* & Aidan are, the fabulous Kolleen even has been great! She is working for the great Benefit cosmetics and has reached out for us to hang & chit chat about the makeup she sells, and also gave me for my prize with the Beauty Question Week she had going on, and of course my two oldest & dearest friend Julie & Val, if you knew some of the stories we've had it's not only hilarious but amazing we are all still such good friends and have always been there for me. So it is just mind blowing to me that these people who said 'they would always be here for me no matter what, we are BFFs & such' just drop me like a bad hairdo or trend going on. So, all in all today I in a fabulous mood & will continue this friendly debate we have going on! But I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had this situation before or am I alone in this situation, or is it something I will learn to better a better judge in characters (which I thought I was, I don't get very close with many), who knows?! Until later fellow bloggers more on the whole Sex n The City vs Twilight saga.

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