
No 13 :: So.

So, my blog from yesterday got a lot of action (in comments & notes) and I seriously stoked about it. I mean I imagine people read my blog but usually only Kolleen posts notes, a few others may do it now & then but woot.woot. yesterday I got a lot of attention! Now Gaf85 I completely agree with you, "adults" who decided to get married I honestly don't think people think about it anymore. You're not just getting the wedding, honeymoon & someone to snuggle with. It is a serious move, everything your signifcant other now does affects you! Theire bills, criminal actions (if they have any), EVERYTHING! So is anyone taking the time to try and work on their relationships? Kids, yes I said kids, are getting married at a younger age even right out of high school 'oh I love him, he's the light of my life' blah blah blah. But do you really think about what you're doing. The divorce rate is the highest it's ever been! Why is that? Because of "adults" acting like a bunch of moronic kids! Cheating on their significant others, going onto these sicken websites & whatever else may be out there to have an affair!, even the whole "emotional affair" is disgusting, I personally think it's worse. Neither one physical nor emotional affairs both are horrible & hurt like hell but if someone has just one night of weakness that's one thing compared to having an emotional affair with someone for days, months, years! I'm sorry, maybe it's because I am so turned off with the whole "marriage" crap but I am disgusted with Americans, yes Americans! Working at a hotel at an international airport I work/see with a bunch of different people, and we, as Americans, are so lazii & give up on things so quickly. And we don't try to work on things, we just say it's hard & give up instantly. OR the other significant other that was hurt doesn't care (completely don't blame, i would do the exact same) WTF. I am tired of everyone doing horrible things to each other? You pick someone out of the millions of people in the world "to spend the rest of your life with" yet you use them, abuse them, cheat on them, & then get all pissy when they leave you? What the hell is wrong with you? You did it, not them, you deserve to be left alone. You had to have your cake & eat it to & now you end up with nothing! GOOD! You deserve it, treat people horrible like that. And put them down to number 3 or 4 in your list of priorities, (even if kids are involved, that means your significant other should be 2) you screw you! Cry me a river & drown yourself in it. I am sorry if this is an extremely vuglar and ugly blog but I don't care. This week I have seen so many horrible acts from people towards others & I am so beyond disgusted with it I am fed up. I am fed up of being a bystander & just watching these things happen! I will stand up for the person who won't stand up for themselves or speak up & get treated horribly. SO SCREW YOU SUCKY PEOPLE!


Miss Kolleen said...

deep breaths jennie... deep breaths...

Jennie La* said...

LoL . . kolleen it has been a week of people just pushing the wrong buttons & the fact that i'm dying from a stupid cold makes me that much more crazii!