
No 15 :: Questionnaire.

Okay so today's blog isn't really a blog. It's more of a Q&A. While driving home from work last night, I had to try and keep myself awake. I accidently took a PM pill at 8p instead of an AM pill when I had to work until 11p so a large coffee with 10 sugars & a shot of turbo later I am driving home feeling like I am on speed! LoL So I of course do what every girl does in the car when in a rather jolly mood, tunes thru the radio finding something to turn all the way up & sing to. And I stumble across CHRISTMAS MUSIC! So I have a few question I would love if everyone could answer.
1. What is your favorite Christmas song of all time? JUST ONE.
2. What is you least favorite Christmas song of all time?
3. What is your favorite part of the Christmas/Holiday Season?
4. What is your least favorite part of the Christmas/Holiday Season?
5. Do you prefer a white Christmas or a green Christmas?
6. Do you prefer a white Christmas tree or a green Christmas tree?
7. A real Christmas tree or a fake one?
8. All time favorite Christmas movie, new or old?

If I happen to think of any more over the course of the 25 days of Christmas (begins on Sunday people, that's how near the holidays really are) I will definitely be posting.
Looking forward to your feedback fellow bloggers.

My answers are::
1. It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas
2. The little drummer boy song.
3. Scheming ideas of the BEST presents my friends get from anyone, I put serious thoughts into my gifts I don't just buy random items.
4. All of the religion crap my grandmother tries to force down my throat & eggnog.
5. I definitely prefer a White Christmas! LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW.
6. Definitely a green Christmas tree. Where can you find a white one in real life?
7. I prefer a real Christmas tree but lately I like my fake one, has lights already on it!
8. I can't remember the name of it, but it has the Heat Miser & Snow Miser & Mother Nature, I think it's Santa Clause is taking a Holiday?? It's on ABC's 25 Days of Xmas.

1 comment:

Miss Kolleen said...

Thats the year without a Santa claus and its my favorite movie. I do an amazing snow miser dance!


1.I love '2000 miles' by the pretenders.
2. The Christmas shoes song!

3. I love to decorate.

4. I hate a lot of things about it.

5. I like a white Christmas because they're scrummley

6. I like white trees because they look vintage

7. I prefer artificial trees because they're less messy