

So this morning I am feeling horrible, been sick now for about 2 weeks & I am now cracking jokes that I will be the person on Orgeon Trail (the game) that dies of that random illness & you have to bury on the side of the road! LoL and I found an image from the game thought it would be a good laugh this morning to actually post it & chat about it a bit. Yup! I died of typhoid! Poor Jennifer just had a cold then oh snap* made a turn for the worst & needs to be buried. I swear, I am trying my best to get better, lost of OJ, "resting" as much as I can, cold medicines (day&night), teas, blankets, sleep! What the hell will work? I mean, going to the doctors in my opinion for just a cold is ridiculous but maybe I should seriously consider it now that it's week 2 of being this ill & there is no sign of getting better. Idk. But newho.

But this morning it is absolutely freezing, I had what I thought for a second was snow on the back on my car! I believe though it was just frost?! But seriously, it was 60 on Saturday, then Sunday it was freezing and since then it's been cold as crap. That explains why I can not get better, the damn "New England weather" is ridiculous. BAH!
But in other news, does anyone else feel that the new handbag is having a kid?! I personally feel a lot of people now-a-days are having kids, why I have no idea there are a number of reaons but seriously everyone around me seems to be having kids. Now I completely understand that "having children" is the most rewarding, fabulous part of life but so young, and not ready? Yes, yes are we ever really ready but I could be a little more responsible or ready at 25 or older rather than 18 or younger. Now I am not knocking what people decide to do, I am highly against abortions but why let yourself get in that mess? Maybe I am neive & ignorant but I feel that there are so many things out there that sometimes, certain people really need to plan when they're going to have children & try hard at it. And some people are popping out kids like they get paid for it, if that's the case sign me up! I will let your bun roast in my oven LoL I am totally just kidding, but in all seriousness am I alone in this thought/observation? Does no one else feel people are just having kids all over the place now-a-days? Maybe it is just me, or maybe because I don't have children or been down that road I don't understand the joy & happiness it brings and I am totally out of my league with these comments & questions. But I honestly don't feel I am. My beloved* has a child & yes he is not mine he rocks & I love hanging with him & he is so much fun. He is energetic, 99% of the time an awesome, well-behaved kid (99% of the time is awesome for a 4 year old) but others are popping out a number of kids, and neglecting them. Passing them from friend to friend or loved one to loved one just letting a million people watch them while they proceed with their lives like nothing has changed! BIG THINGS HAVE CHANGED! You have a child now, things should not be the same as they were. I just don't understand. Okay, so you're young & you want to have a child okay sure that's your right but why have a child to let everyone else raise them, or b!tch & moan life is tough & you want a social life. Your social life will probably end when their life begins, or be highly limited especially when the child is first born. I am not sure if I am just rambeling about a bunch of non-sense I have no idea about, or being completely ignorant & "not understanding" the situation due to the fact I am not a mother but I really don't get it. Pop out a kid, neglect them, or pop them out & b!tch at the fact you have them! LoL mind blowing to me. I just don't get it.
I personally do want children, I want like a million of them LoL no but I want about three. IF! I can afford to have all three of them. But I want to be ready, financially stable, in a good relationship, heading down the road I want to be on before I bring that bundle of joy into the world. And I completely understand stuff happens sometimes & for those parents who step up & take care of everything, loving/caring for their children serious kudoos to you. No pun there at all, I am serious when I say you deserve some serious kudoos, lots of people aren't doing that at all. And I am not knocking having children at all, I want some of my own! I guess I am just blowing off some steam built up about this topic. I sit by and watch so many (seriously) young parents not stepping up & doing what should/needs to be done and then having more! Okay, I did not mean to offend anyone in this blog but I need to let out some of my own steam because I am trying to get my mind around the concept of this. And honestly the fact that people without children can't express an opinion either way towards this topic without feeling the "rath" of the parents who are busting their aces. I am not knocking anyone or their choices, just wondering as to why we do the things we do?! Or why we don't do the things we should do. I personally am terrified of that day the doctor says "CONGRATS! YOU'RE A MOM" I need guarantee that I will be good at what I am trying to accomplish, and the fact that there's no guarantee on the butt of the kid stating 'congrats you got a great kid & you're going to make him a rock star' freaks me out & the fact that you could completely fawk the kid up terrifies me. But I guess that's the roll of the dice we play when we decide to have kids. And please! don't let this blog seem to be a knocking or dowing of people & their ways, I am just trying to grasp my mind around people. People, their choices, their actions & the decision they make. No it doesn't effect me & I honestly am not all worked up I am just wondering, wondering as to why we do the things we do. I can not wait to have kids of my own & God help us all when that day comes LoL


Miss Kolleen said...

i had a friend like that; i got pregnant and another one of her friends was preggers and suddenly she had a baby too... it was really odd. i would love to have another baby after jeff and i get married but right now aidan is all i can handle.

incidentally, jeff used to make his oregon trail characters die on purpose. "YOU HAVE DIED OF DIPTHERIA. SORRY BOUT THAT."

Jennie La* said...

LoL women, we really do things in packs. all i gotta say is that if/when i finally get pregnant NO ONE better be with me, i want all the focus on me! LoL